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General Health Articles

What is Holistic Allergy Therapy?

As originally defined, allergy is an unusual physical response to any substance in a person's environment, the environment being anything that a person touches, inhales, has injected, drinks, eats or otherwise contacts.

Home Help for Hayfever

I am not a trained practitioner of any kind, but I am a fed up Hay Fever sufferer sharing some tips on taking a natural approach to dealing with it.

Asthma Relief

Improving the Air Quality in your Home Asthma affects 1 in 10 children and 1 in 20 adults in the UK and is on the increase. Asthma is a chronic (long-term, even life long) lung disease that can be life threatening.

Breathing Works for Asthma

Asthma is a fascinating subject. Millions of people worldwide suffer from its symptoms - with mild to life-threatening episodes. A recent World Health Organization report states that 150 million people have this disorder; it affects people of all ages, all races 'humble or poor, rich or renowned'.

Allergy or Intolerance?

Many people describe themselves as having 'allergies' but true allergy is thankfully still fairly rare. Unfortunately the distinction between allergy and intolerance is not clear even among health books, the media and alternative therapists.

Reduce Asthma and Breathe Free

Asthma can be a serious and often frightening condition that is typified by a tightening of the chest, wheezing and difficulty breathing. Asthma is made up of two underlying components: Inflammation and Constriction.

What is Acute Bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is one of the most common diagnoses made by primary care physicians. It is a condition of the upper respiratory tract where the mucus lining of the bronchial tubes, the large delicate tubes in the lungs, become inflamed.

Allergies and Respiratory Health

With the sunshine and flowers come wind and pollens, which for many people signals the onset of allergy season. Tree pollens are the most prevalent pollens in the spring.

Allergy - Free Wedding Flowers

I get quite a few emails from brides-to-be, asking me which flowers would be good to use at their weddings, flowers that won't make them or their bridesmaids start sneezing and sniffling right in the middle of the service.

Allergy - Free Garden Part 1

Eliminating Allergenic Mold Spores in Your GardensTiny mold spores cause plenty of allergies. Often our gardens are full of molds but luckily there are many things we can do to eliminate allergy-causing mold spores.

Successfully Treating Allergies With Oriental Medicine

Perhaps you know the feeling, red, itching eyes, runny nose, and sinus pressure. You're sneezing, tired and really out of it. Sound familiar? That's how I felt when seasonal allergies first hit me hard as a teenager.

Allergy - Free Garden Part 2

Eliminating Allergenic Mold Spores in Your GardensSunlight and MoldsBright light and fresh air are the enemies of mold. Many landscapes have huge trees overhead that let in little light.

Birds, Bugs, and Allergies

As I write this I can look out my window and see a busy English sparrow going from the bird feeder, to the suet feeder, to the blossoms of the pineapple guava bush.

How to survive seasonal allergies and ensure continued asthma relief

Spring is in the air and so are the allergens. Over the next few months grasses, trees and weeds will release huge quantities of pollen into the air as part of their reproductive cycle.

Immune System - Stronger or Smarter?

We all know how important it is to have an immune system that is working well in order to combat and ward off allergies.  Each of us is becoming more aware of the products that we eat and drink so that we strengthen our immune system.

Vega Testing-Food Allergies

Vega Testing, Food Allergies & Bioelectronic Assessments for Health Problems The most advanced devices are mostly computerised these days Bioelectronic machines, such as the Vega Testing and best machines, scan the body by detecting minute changes in the conductance of the skin over acupuncture points.

Science, Allergies and Natural Health

One of the goals of this article is to reconcile scientific research with natural health approaches. It is sometimes a difficult task. All of the medical journals sell ads to drug companies and it should be obvious that economics help to determine what appears in the journals.

Get the lowdown on Allergies

Nothing ruins a lovely walk in the countryside like consistent sneezing, a runny nose, a wheezy chest, an itchy rash or one of the other many allergic reactions that prohibit the human body.

Children and Allergies

Today's society is discovering newer ways to ensure safety in the home, car, garden, community and school, but there are some dangers that cannot be entirely avoided.

Tips on Enduring Allergies

Tips on Enduring AllergiesAllergies are not similar to a disease. In the case of a disease health practitioners will venture to find where the problem started and attack that nucleus.

Influenza is more than a viral infection

Influenza, like all other acute diseases, is a natural attempt at self-cleansing and if rightly treated in a natural way, immense good can ensue so far as the future health of the patient is concerned.

Flu Viruses

TABLE OF CONTENT VirusesAvian FluSwine FluVirus characteristics and heat instabilityAbout VirusesSingle-Minded MissionHow to destroy VirusesViruses Many of us are naturally concerned by the alarming spread of viruses in recent years; the bird flu virus was a huge threat to Europe and most parts of the world.

Acne and black cumin seed oil

Can black seed be used as a remedy for acne? Traditionally it has been used for hundreds of years as one of the popular natural home remedies for acne in the Orient.

Simple Breathwork to Unblock the Stuffy Nose

Thousands of Soviet and Russian patients with asthma and other conditions have used this simple breathing exercise to clear their stuffy nose.

How Effective Is Flonase Nasal Spray?

Nasal allergies are common problems occurring in many people. There are various medications and sprays available today that alleviate the symptoms of allergies.

Black seed oil

What is Black seed.For those of us who are tired of going to the Doctors to get a prescription that we do not understand and does not actually help us black seed oil could well be the answer.

Who is most at risk to develop common food allergies?

Some people have food allergy and others don't. Some people had a food allergy and now they don't. A study conducted by The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) collected data that sheds light on who is most likely to get and food allergy and when.

Chinese Medicine Combined with Conventional medicine = Allergy Advances

Whether it's seasonal allergies, dust allergies, asthma induced allergies or food allergies; allergies can put a hold on your life. Allergies can make life uncomfortable, painful and down right unhappy.


The homeopathic treatment of allergies begins with the physical symptoms but doesn't end there. Important clues to the homeopathic pattern and prescription can be found in: life circumstances around the time of onset of the allergy symptoms; situations which cause an exacerbation of the allergy symptoms; situations which lead to a relief from allergy symptoms; feelings aroused by the allergy symptoms, or the person's unique experience of the condition;how the allergy symptoms disrupt normal living, or what the person is thereby prevented from doing.

The Magic of Black Rice Bran

The most recent findings related to American Chemical Society's (ACS) award-winning podcast series, "Global Challenges/Chemistry Solutions exposes the wonderful properties of Black Rice Bran and its function as an anti-inflammatory.

Allergic Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis Homeopathy treatment

If We Separate The Word Allergy and Rhinitis We Can Understand It Better. E Body To Foreign Substance And Rhinitis Mean Inflammation Of Nasal Mucosa.

Discover the health secrets that can be revealed in your fingers

New ideas and research has been carried out to determine that fingers of the hand can tell you what health conditions you might be more prone to developing.

What Is Allergy and How Many Types of Allergic Disease?

Allergies are inappropriate or exaggerated reactions of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, cause no symptoms. Symptoms of allergic diseases may be caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical, of the respiratory system to particles of dust or pollen (or other substances), or of the stomach and intestines to a particular food.

NAET Allergy Healing Technique Clears Your Nutritional Blocks

Dr Devi Nambudripad discovered NAET due to a lifetime history of allergies from a very early age.  This led her to the development of a very effective approach to the elimination of allergies.

Take a Stand Against Allergies

Now that spring has arrived it is time to start preparation for allergy season. Although there are many allergens that can cause the unwanted symptoms associated with allergies pollen is a huge aggravation to many people.

The combined treatment of Manual and Electro-Acupuncture in Chronic Urticaria: A case study

The combined treatment of Manual and Electro-Acupuncture in Chronic Urticaria:  A case study DR. EMAD TUKMACHI, MBChB, DTM (Dublin), PhD (London), MD(MA), MBAcC                               Acupuncture Clinic, North Staffordshire Nuffield Hospital, Clayton Road, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4DB.

Ramp Up Your Body’s Natural Defense Against Allergies

Spring is finally here, and along with the gorgeous weather comes pollen. Many allergy sufferers know all too well the symptoms of hay fever, caused by pollen released from budding trees and plants.

How to create a Allergy Free home

How to create an allergy free home environmentHay Fever is commonly related to irritants caused by pollen and seeds but there are many pollutants inside your home that can set off an allergic reaction.


Stay indoors as much as possible when pollen counts are at their peak, usually during the mid-morning and early evening, and when wind is blowing pollens around.

Treating Allergies and Energy Toxins with Energy Psychology

Energy Toxins. I am sure that is a new term for some of you. Everyone understands the usual connotations of the word toxin; something that is toxic to your health.

Allergy Therapy

Allergy Therapy is the process whereby a trained therapist will work with you to determine the root cause of your symptoms and provide you with a recommended personal plan to restore your body to full health.

“Opening the Outlets:” Acupuncture as Detox Therapy

  Many of us who are committed to taking care of ourselves do a lot to keep our bodies and minds strong. Some of us go to the gym to build muscle tone, go jogging or do cardiovascular-aerobic activity to keep our hearts healthy, see a therapist to keep our minds in order, or meditate and do yoga to find balance and peace.

An Approach to Allergy & Intolerance

 An Approach to Allergy and Intolerance: We provide a holistic approach to treatment. This includes the avoidance of drug therapy where possible.

Allergies - Food Allergy

Allergies - Food Allergy Allergy is the over reaction of immune system to harmless substances after entering our body affecting 1 in every 3 people in the world.

Anal Itching Remedies And Causes

If you are suffering from the problem of itching in the anal area there is no need to feel embarrassed because you are not alone. There are millions of people in the world who suffer from this embarrassing condition which is medically known as 'pruritus ani' and strangely enough it is a very common ailment but not many people feel comfortable talking about it publicly.

Troubled By Head Lice? Coconut Oil May Help You

Are you still using permethrin lotion to solve your child’s head lice infestation? Head lice infestation is a common dilemma that plagues many children.

About The Evolution Into An Unnatural Existence

     During the last 200 years the human race has researched, developed and invented most of the technologies we have today avaliable for our own convenience and the bettering of our life.

Helpful Rules based on Research, what Successfull People are really doing to Loose Weight.

     It isn't really easy to find the right answer for the best diet, providing just some simple steps to lose weight fast, because the human body is not like a machine, ready for another oilchange.

History and Future of Our Food

     To really understand what the ideal diet plan might be, we have to go back in history to the beginning of Stone Age, where we can start sorting out the facts involved correctly.

How to Sleep Better at Night During Allergy Season

More than 50 million people in the United States suffer from allergies each year, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, which can cause a litany of symptoms ranging from snuffed noses and sneezing to coughing and asthma.

3 Ways To Combat Seasonal Allergies During Summer Activities

While people that suffer from food allergies have a decent chance of avoiding the things that they are allergic to, seasonal allergy sufferers are generally at the mercy of the elements.

Sinusitis Concerns: How to Tell if You Have This Chronic Condition

An acute sinus infection usually resolves in a few weeks. If your infection lasts for months or you get repeated infections, you could have a chronic inflammation of one or more sinuses.

Spring Sneezes? A Few Health Tips for Seasonal Allergies

Sometimes, a few warm days will sneak in near the end of the winter season and you’ll get that spring cleaning urge. It’s okay to get an early start on spring cleaning chores.

5 Natural Ways To Win Against Allergies

An allergy refers to a type of body reaction on being exposed to any particular antigen. This biological activity can be a series of reactions to any substance or atmospheres like itching, difficulty in breathing, rashes or sneezing.

How to Wipe out Household Allergens and Keep Them Out

If you or someone you love suffers from indoor allergies, you understandably are searching for effective ways to rid your home of common allergens.

The Latest in Allergy Research

New allergy research is being done all of the time to find ways to combat and control allergy symptoms, especially for those who suffer from the severity of one or more allergies.

5 Tricks to Combat Seasonal Allergies This Spring

Even though seasonal allergies aren’t usually dangerous, the symptoms can be extremely unpleasant. Luckily, many people are able to minimize those symptoms or avoid them entirely by making a few simple lifestyle changes.

How To Cope With Food Allergies

Millions of people around the world suffer from food allergies. Allergic reactions range from minor symptoms to potentially life-threatening reactions.

4 Wellness Tips to Alleviate Seasonal Allergies This Summer

Hot and humid weather can trigger allergy symptoms. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and coughing are common allergy symptoms. Fortunately, you do not have to let your allergy symptoms ruin your summer fun.

Holistic Allergy Therapy?

        An allergy is an unusual physical response to any substance in a person's environment, the environment being anything that a person touches, inhales, has injected, drinks, eats or otherwise contacts.

News Articles

New report challenges commonly held beliefs on Hay fever

During the National Allergy Week last month Allergy UK carried out a survey to discover when and how hay fever starts and impacts on sufferers.

Should flowers be banned in hospitals?

Does flower water harbour potentially deadly bacteria? Do bedside blooms compete with patients for oxygen? Do bouquets pose a health and safety risk around medical equipment?These are some of the reasons given by many hospital wards in the UK to ban, or at least discourage, bedside bouquets.

More than 170 Russian Doctors Teach Asthmatics How to Get Rid of Cough Naturally

A cough is your body's defensive reflex in order to keep your airways clear of irritating or obstructing substances so that you can get oxygen for the body cells.

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