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Why massage your feet? Sitting too long at a desk or too much time in the car or other forms of transport can make our feet sore and very uncomfortable; walking for a long time in fashion shoes or on hard pavements can equally make our feet weary and tired.

A gentle foot massage can make all the difference, massaging the foot can relieve tension in the muscles of the legs and feet, reduce congestion and swelling in the ankles and improve the circulation; another benefit from a good foot massage is that it is an excellent way of moisturising and softening the skin on your feet, where there can often be rough or hard skin.

A foot massage can also relieve mental tension and anxieties because it works some of the reflexology points on the feet. These points are linked by channels of energy to various parts of the body, and applying pressure to them often will soothe and energize much of your body.

Some benefits of a Foot Massage are:
• Improved circulation
• Toxin removal
• Stimulated lymphatic drainage
• Reduced stiffness
• Improved flexibility
• Improved flexibility
• Accelerated physical healing
• Stress relief
• Improved sleep
• Clarity of mind
• Immune system boost
It is also recommended that soft music can provide the perfect catalyst to get you in the mood for a foot massage. There are many creams and oils available that can be used for a foot massage, please talk to your Reflexology Therapist for further help.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States

Our skin often acts as a reflection of the internal health of our bodies. Among other things our skin can be very sensitive to changes in circulation, hormones and emotions and if any major organ or system is unbalanced, the skin will start to show signs of change. Sudden, severe stress can have a dramatic effect on our skin, as one of the body’s first actions when under threat, is to limit the blood supply to the skin in favour of more important organs like our heart and lungs.

Someone who is frightened or shocked can look pale as blood is diverted from the skin to other needy areas their body. If stress continues long term it may weaken the immune system and cause changes in the nervous and hormonal systems. This can disturb normal skin function and health and lead to problems ranging from excessive oil production and acne to a tendency to allergic conditions like eczema.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States

There are over 30 muscles in the face, enabling us to make a wide range of expressions to show our emotions. It is also worth knowing that it takes twice as many muscles to frown than to smile. Facial muscles are attached to the skin, so even a small muscle movement can cause significant changes in expression.

Our facial expressions are conveyed by composite signals from several sources of our facial appearance. These sources include the general shape, orientation (pose), and position of the head, the shapes and positions of facial features (e.g., eyes, mouth), coloration and condition of the skin, shapes of wrinkles, folds, and lines, and so forth. Some of these sources are relatively fixed; others can be more changeable.

The most important source of change in the facial expression is the set of muscular movements produced by facial muscles, which provide the most substantial changes in facial appearance over short time durations and contribute most to nonverbal communication by the face.

As humans we become expert in gathering a great deal of information about the people around us from these tiny movements learning this skill from earliest infancy.

As a generalization, muscular activity contributes expressive variation on a background of more slowly changing or static expressive sources. These latter sources include the sizes, positions, and shapes of fleshy tissues, hair, teeth, cartilage, and bones.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States
Help your body fight colds and flu more effectively by taking 500mg of slow release Vitamin C daily. This helps boost your immune system and as an added bonus also helps fight heart disease.

By: Daisy Walker - Leicestershire, United Kingdom
To help prevent acid reflux, avoid lying down right after eating. Give your body a couple of hours to digest the food you've just eaten. If you experience acid reflux at night, elevate your head or the head of your bed 4-6 inches.

By: Dr Rita Louise - Texas, United States
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