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The Clinical Medicine Guide

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The Clinical Medicine Guide - A Holistic Perspective

The definitive pathology textbook from Stephen Gascoigne, containing 19 chapters covering every major organ system with dedicated chapters on Philosophy, Pathological Processes, Investigations, Infectious Disease and Cancer. Each chapter discusses both holistic and conventional ideas of the system being presented. In addition, there are clear disease classifications that are tailored for the holistic practitioner.

Each disease is discussed from the viewpoint of: Definition, Complication, Investigation, Treatment, Holistic management cases and Symptoms

The section on holistic management discusses how to deal with cases complicated by prescribed drugs, how to assess the severity of a case and includes details of the corresponding syndrome in terms of Chinese Medicine. At the end of each chapter there is information on how to recognise serious symptoms that may need referral.

This textbook forms the core of Alternative Training's Pathology & Disease course and can also be bought on its own.

"Dr. Gascoigne has produced a much needed and excellent work. This volume combines orthodox pathology with energetic concepts in a clear and precise way. A must for every alternative student and practitioner. I truly think this is a wonderful book!"

Jeremy Sherr, Homeopath, Author, Lecturer, Principal and Founder of Dynamis

"Dr Gascoigne's book fills the gap in current literature between orthodox medical knowledge and perspective and that which needs to be known by the prospective practitioner of healing. The philosophy of healing is understood in its universal application and this is woven into the fabric of the text. We use it as a basic text at The School of Homeopathy."

Misha Norland, Homeopath, Author, International Lecturer, Principal and Founder of the School of Homeopathy

"I opened up the book today to take a quick peek and an HOUR later was deep into it. I was riveted. It is clear and detailed, comprehensive and concise, all at the same time. You've incorporated lots of pragmatic distillations (rather than the millions of useless words in the big medical manuals or the not very helpful home symptom guides). The differential diagnoses (integrating holistic medical thinking and common sense) are excellent. The cases inspirational. Congratulations! I shan't hesitate to recommend your book whenever and wherever I can."

A letter from Miranda Castro, Homeopath, Author, International Lecturer


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