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What is a Health Club
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As part of one of the fastest growing Industries, todays Health Clubs are seeing their role grow and are now looking at ways to replace the old stereotypical view of gyms with sweaty, muscle bound heavies or lycra clad ladies chatting before lunching. In fact these types of establishment never really existed and were only promoted by the media bent on creating stories that would shed doubt on an Industry full of well qualified and dedicated professionals, whose only aim was to help others.

The modern day club will usually offer the choice of a workout in the gym, a relaxing swim in the pool, several racket sports to satisfy that competitive spirit, and a range of fitness classes for every taste. With the recent addition of a Health Suite providing the ultimate in pampering and relaxation, nobody should feel that they haven't been catered for.

The two ingredients the club cannot provide is you and motivation. Sure they will have plenty of tricks up their sleeve to keep you motivated and the very best will try to find that all important balance between looking over your shoulder to make sure you are working and freedom to work at your own level and in a way that will make this type of effort feel like fun.

Qualified gym instructors who understand your needs as an individual, will be able to create a program for complimenting your initial decision to be part of this increasing band of people who just want to feel better about themselves. Whether it is simply an improvement in general health, weight loss, muscle strength or endurance there is something for everyone to aim for. It may well be that you have a specific goal, training for the London Marathon or plans to join the armed forces, and a new program will put you in good shape to meet any challenge.

People are now very aware of their own body shape and figure and this, allied to an increasingly conscious and aware society, means that the individual is prepared to do something about improving themselves. Aerobic classes, Yoga or regular swimming will burn off those excess calories enabling you to maintain or improve that all important body shape. A 15 minute visit to the Sauna and Steam Room suite will also help with calorie burn but more importantly assist with circulation and improvements to your general feeling of well being.

Most health related problems can be helped by improving your level of fitness and the increasing number of Day Spas are providing Masseurs trained to repair muscle damage and skeletal injuries. Massage, Reflexology, Indian Head Massage allied to other holistic treatments are complimented by Beauty treatments such as Facials, Manicures, Pedicures and an increasing number of full body treatments that will lead to improvements in Mind, Body and Soul leaving you in a state of relaxed euphoria !

There really is no reason to miss out on the improvements that are just around the corner. So before you decide on another evening in front of the telly or staring at the computer ask yourself the very simple question - What is best for ME?

By Mels Lodge Health and Fitness
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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