
The National Council for Hypnotherapy
Association Info

The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) holds one of the largest registers of independent Hypnotherapists in the United Kingdom and strives to maintain the highest standards among its members. The NCH, the largest Hypnotherapy register mentioned in the recent Exeter University report on Complementary Medicine (Second Edition) is striving to meet ALL the guidelines suggested by this report for the regulation of Complementary Medicine.

Via the UK Confederation of Hypnotherapy Organisations, we are actively involved with the Foundation for Integrative Medicine and the future of the profession There is an agreed Code of Conduct, an established Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure and all members are obliged to maintain comprehensive Public Liability & Professional Indemnity Insurance.

The National Council for Hypnotherapy is concerned that YOU receive the highest possible quality of treatment.

Contact Details
PO Box 421,
NN11 1AS,
United Kingdom

Tel: 0800 952 0545

Web: http://www.hypnotherapists.org.uk

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