
Start Afresh 28 - stop smoking hypnosis program on CD or MP3 Download

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A hypnosis stop smoking aid ~ consisting of 5 Tracks ~ 2 CDs and listening schedule.

With a clear introduction, listening schedule and 4 tracks of structured recordings to help the listener obtain their goal of becoming a non smoker. This programme is packed with reasoning, understanding, relaxation, positive suggestions and guidance, all delivered in an easy, relaxed way.

As an ex smoker, clinical hypnotherapist Michael knows that stopping smoking is scary. He also knows most people visiting this site will have tried to stop smoking in the past, either using 1 to 1 therapy, recordings, patches, gum or going ‘cold turkey’. Whatever has been tried before, the methods in this programme are different, and because they are different the listener has no history of failure in this method.

So no matter what has gone in the past, you can now start afresh. Structured and enjoyable, using the accompanying listening schedule which embraces Michaels OPSIM© style of session delivery.

This hypnosis audio self help programme is unique in many ways compared to others on the market, for example, there are no subliminal messages, in fact there are no hidden messages of any description, in any of our programmes ~ and there never will be.

There are no wild promises, No gimmicks, wild guarantees or any holiday vouchers given. If you are sure you want to stop smoking then you are at the right place. If you are not sure about stopping smoking and your reasons to stop smoking Do NOT buy this programme ~ yet!.

You know smoking is bad for you, or you wouldn’t be here now, and we do not try and scare you into making a purchase. It’s your choice to stop or not, it really is that simple!. Start Afresh!

This CD setI is an affordable smoking cessation aid, a fact which is only reinforced when compared to other smoking cessation aids, programmes or treatments.

This programme has a 28 day listening schedule to maximise listener success.

It has a clear introduction and 4 interlinking sessions, each building on the proceeding one.

There are several key differences to the structure and content of this programme than others on the market. The programme does not pretend to be a quick fix; it is not a hyped up, amazing 1 hour session which will transform your life, and the reason is simple.

Smokers do not learn to be smokers in one hour; it takes several weeks for the body to adjust to the smoke being inhaled! To become a smoker it takes, perseverance, determination, will power and time!! Your body initially rejected the smoke, tar and nicotine, because they were alien to your body.

The dizzy feelings, the nausea, the coughing, adjusting to the taste of cigarettes, along with other symptoms of rejection are evidence your body does not want or need that smoke and those poisons ~ but after some time you body adjusted to the smoke and poisons and you become a smoker.

So, given it takes some time and effort to become a smoker, common sense indicates that it will take some time and effort to become a natural non smoker again. Start Afresh! guides the listener to use those same things they used to become a smoker, perseverance, determination, will power and time.

Over a 28 day period the listener is reminded about the dangers of smoking, the reasons why you have made the decision to stop smoking. Learn to have conscious smokes which help to cut down the smoking patterns and behaviours, followed by a reinforcing session, and then the cessation sessions followed by another reinforcing session.

Through the entire programme you are guided with an accompanying listening schedule. Start Afresh! uses ‘OPSIM’© the Ongoing Progressive Session Induction Method, used widely and successfully in Michael’s other major programmes such as the IBS Audio Program 100, Chronic Pain 110, and, ‘An Aid to Emotional Recovery After Breast Cancer©’. All these use OPSIM©, a structured approach to listening to the programme, developed to bring maximum benefit for the listener.


Available from

Healthy Audio Limited





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