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Jin Shin Do®:Bodymind Acupressure® Courses

Tags: Jin Shin Do California, Bodymind Acupressure Idyllwild California, acupressure classes Idyllwild California

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These classes are taught by approved Registered JSD Acupressurists
as well as Authorized JSD teachers.

5-Step JSD Neck-Shoulder Release - 2 hours
Learn to find key neck and shoulder points, plus distal points to help release stubborn tensions. Practice the relaxing Basic JSD Neck Release on oneself and others, holding 5 key neck & shoulder points bilaterally.
Class Materials: JSD chart reduction (8 1/2" X 11") Can be taught by Registered JSD Acupressurists.

Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure - 8 hours
The simple, effective Basic JSD Neck/Shoulder Release, and how to do it for yourself and others.
Qigong breathing and stretching exercises: Pal Dan Gum (the Eight Silken Movements) and Hara Breathing.
25-point self-acupressure pattern and Basic Central Release.
Self-care points to help relieve the tension and discomfort of headache, backache, jaw pain, constipation, menstrual problems, "heartburn" and nausea.
Class Materials: Fundamentals of Self-Acupressure, © 1978, 1989 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden; JSD Chart reduction (8 1/2" x 11"). Can be taught by Registered JSD Acupressurists after passing practical exam by an Authorized JSD teacher.

Fundamentals of Acupressure - 14 hours
The above class plus the technique and point finding skills needed to practice the patterns on each other.

The following classes are taught by Authorized JSD teachers only.

JSD Acupressure Facial-14 hours recommended
This facial works with the main neck points, called "Windows of the Sky," as well as with other points on the face and head, releasing tension and aiding circulation of "Qi" up and down the body, to open the "windows." This 12-step JSD facial, originally developed for cosmetologists, uses only points on the face, head, neck, arms and hands. Wonderfully relaxing!
Class Materials: Jin Shin Do® Acupressure Facial booklet, © 1982 by Iona Teeguarden.
Taught only by Authorized Jin Shin Do® teachers.

150 Hours of Theory and Technique
Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4

This class presents theories and techniques necessary for effective practice of Jin Shin Do® acupressure, beginning with 45 main Jin Shin Do® points, progressing to over 200 important points, and correlating point location with anatomy. Exact angle of point stimulation is emphasized. Students begin to practice by following release examples, and later learn to improvise based on tension patterns and energic assessment. Approximately 75 hours is devoted to demonstration and practice.

Part 1: BASIC JSD: 40 hours minimum
Objectives: participants learn to:
• Locate 55 acu-points in relation to surrounding anatomy.
• Describe how Jin Shin Do® acupressure can be utilized for general relaxation and to release specific tensions.
• Demonstrate acu-point combinations for common problems, including tension in the head, neck, shoulders, back, chest, abdomen, pelvis and extremities.
• Process, in a simple way, the feelings and images which may arise from the body during acupressure release.
• Perform simple movements which facilitate relaxation and structural-energic balancing.
• Identify the 8 Strange Flows or extraordinary vessels, and demonstrate their use for energy balancing and general relaxation.
• Unit I. Principles of acupressure. Traditional Eastern and modern Western mindsets. Qi (energy). Acu-points defined and described scientifically. Pressure technique. 3 signs of release. Location of 16 acu-points, with anatomical detail and individual attention. Practice: general relaxation pattern and the basic JSD neck release.
• Unit 2. Basic acupressure theory, including yin-yang polarities. The armoring process. Local and distal point theory. Location of 16 acu-points, with anatomical detail. "Pal Dan Gum" movements. Practice: simple color-coded release method and basic neck release.
• Unit 3. Pressure technique. Segmental Release Method. 3 essential qualities of therapists. 6 additional points. Practice: release of the head, neck and shoulder segments.
• Unit 4. Segmental exploration (bilateral acu-points in the head, neck, shoulders and chest). Bodymind associations of the chest segment. Body Focusing techniques to facilitate tension release. Contact. Effects of language. Practice: JSD, Body Focusing and breathing techniques to assist chest release; basic neck release.
• Unit 5. 7 additional points. Diaphragm, abdominal and pelvic tension patterns and associations. Hara Breathing Meditation. Hygiene; ethics. Practice: body focusing and breathing techniques to assist release of the abdominal and pelvic segments.
• Unit 6. The 8 Strange Flows, or extraordinary vessels. 10 additional points (on the central channel). Demonstration of sessions utilizing "strange flow" release patterns. Practice: assessment and Strange Flow release patterns for general bodymind relaxation.
Required Class Materials: Color-coded JSD "8 Strange Flows" wall chart © 1981; JSD Acupressure Handbook, part 1, © 2006; The Acupressure Way of Health: Jin Shin Do®© 1978 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (Japan Publications).
Recommended; Chpt. 1-3, A Complete Guide to Acupressure Revised © 2002 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (Japan Publications).

Part 2: INTERMEDIATE JSD: 55 hours minimum
Prerequisite: Basic JSD (with Authorized JSD Teacher)
Objectives: participants learn to:
• Locate 60 additional acu-points in relation to surrounding anatomy.
• Describe the twelve organ meridians, differentiating according to location and psycho-physical associations.
• Differentiate Western and Eastern understanding of physiology.
• Identify specific acupressure point combinations for meridian release.
• Demonstrate understanding of local-distal point theory.
• Identify the legal-ethical role of the acupressurist.
• Unit 1. Underlying principles of acupressure and introduction to meridian theory. The Six Divisions. Basic peer counseling skills like active listening, for processing feelings if they come up. Practice: release of the head, neck and shoulders, using the Gall Bladder Meridian.
• Unit 2-7. Location and psycho-physical associations of the 12 meridians. Location of 60 additional points in relation to surrounding anatomy. Defense mechanisms and defensive attitudes related to yang meridians; emotional spectra related to yin meridians. Transformation of Qi. Zang/Fu theory. Demonstration of sessions using meridian release patterns. Practice: meridian release patterns (GB/LV; LI/LU; SI/HT; TW/PC; ST/SP; BL/KI; ).
• Unit 8. Demonstration of specific point combinations for energic problems indicated by muscle spasm, pain or tension. Legal-ethical issues. Building trust. Practice: Assessment of tense segments by palpating main JSD points in the neck, shoulders and torso. Basic pulse reading. Use of local-distal point combinations of appropriate meridians.
Required Class Materials: JSD Handbook, part 2, © 2006; The Joy of Feeling: Bodymind Acupressure, © 1984, 2003, by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (JSDF). Recommended: Chpt. 4, A Complete Guide to Acupressure, revised © 2002, by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (Japan Pub.).

Part 3: ADVANCED JSD: 30 hours minimum
Prerequisite: Intermediate JSD
Objectives: participants learn to:
• Describe the "Five Elements" or "Five Phases" theory and its application to acupressure.
• Locate 65 additional acu-points in relation to surrounding anatomy.
• Demonstrate understanding of local-distal point theory using Source, Luo, Tonification, Sedation, Front Mu and Back Yu (Shu) points to relieve bodymind stress.
• Assess energic imbalance; identify key tension areas through pulse reading and point palpation.
• Unit 1. Introduction to "Five Elements" theory of energic inter-relationships; utilizing it in planning specific acu-point combinations. Practice: Combining particular local (Yu and "Windows of the Sky") and distal (Source and Luo) points for back and neck release.
• Unit 2. Application of 5 Elements theory to energic and muscular hypoactivity or hyperactivity. Pulse reading. Practice: use of tonification and sedation points.
• Unit 3. Bodymind applications of 5 Elements: the "Emotional Kaleidoscope." Point palpation to assess energic imbalance (Yu, Mu and Windows of the Sky). Practice: improvisation.
• Unit 4. Demonstration of specific acu-point combinations for energic problems indicated by muscle spasm, pain or tension. Practice: planning interventions to restore bodymind energy balance.
Required Class Materials: JSD Handbook, part 3, © 1981; The Joy of Feeling: Bodymind Acupressure, © 1984, 2003, by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (JSDF). Recommended: Chpt. 1-5, A Complete Guide to Acupressure, revised © 2002, by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (Japan Pub.).

Part 4 BODYMIND PROCESSING SKILLS: 25 hours minimum
Prerequisite: Basic JSD. May be taught by qualified Authorized JSD Teacher; focus varies. (Module IV, Pt. 1 meets this requirement.)
Objectives: participants learn to:
• To learn simple verbal skills for responsibly dealing with feelings & images that may arise during sessions.
• Demonstrate basic counseling skills like active listening and body focusing techniques.
• Describe conscious and unconscious levels of communication and the appropriate use of suggestions.
• Empathy. Active listening. Body Focusing techniques. Conscious and unconscious levels of communication, and the power of words.
• Communication skills: including, congruence; avoiding labels; replacing "should-shouldn't" with "I messages" and use of the suggestive form.
• Accepting: encouraging and following the release process.
• Understanding the therapeutic relationship: transference and counter-transference (projection).
• Implications of touch.
• Ethics: emphasizing confidentiality and refraining from sex with clients.
Required Class Materials: The Joy of Feeling: Bodymind Acupressure, © 1984, 2003 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (JSDF); Chpt. 6-9, A Complete Guide to Acupressure, Revised © 2002 (Japan Publications).

100 Hours of Modality Technique and Practice
Parts 1, 2, and 3
This class provides an opportunity to review point locations and angles, and to integrate the material of Module I, plus an in-depth study of Strange Flows, Organ Meridians, Zang/Fu, Segments and Five Phases, along with additional theories and special point groups. The bodymind focus of this class varies from teacher to teacher.

Prerequisite: Module I, or the equivalent (Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced JSD with authorized JSD teachers).
Objectives: participants learn to,
• Demonstrate assessment skills including pulse reading and point palpation.
• Describe the 8 Strange Flows in detail and compare with the 12 meridians.
• Demonstrate use of acupressure and body focus-ing techniques with common tension/pain problems.
• Describe special point groups: combining, entry-exit, general and group lo, and accumulation points.
• Integrate Segmental, Strange Flow, Meridian and 5 Phases theories in designing sessions to reduce stress.
• Discuss the Zang/Fu, the 6 Divisions, exogenous and endogenous causes of imbalance (including the extreme emotions), and tendino-muscular meridians.

Required Class Materials: Advanced Supplement © 1982; Chpt. 10-20, A Complete Guide to Acupressure, Revised © 2002 (Japan Publications). The Joy of Feeling: Bodymind Acupressure, © 1984, 2003 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (JSDF)
Evaluation Method: Attendance and demonstration of skills ,astered; practical examination.

• A) In-depth study of the Strange Flows, emphasizing their functions and including over 150 Strange Flows points. (Relax! Most of these points were introduced in Module I.) Practice: new SF release patterns. (16 hr.)
• B) Integration of Strange Flow, Meridian and Segmental theories in assessment and point combinations. Special powerful point groups: Entry/exit points; general and group lo points; the 8 meeting points, associated points, combining points; etc. (14 hr.)

Part 2 MASTER CLASS: 35hours
• A) Review of all Basic and Intermediate points for accuracy of location and precision of angle. (14 hr.)
• B) Demonstration of assessment skills: point palpation, pulse reading, questioning, listening, looking. Specific applications of Segmental, Strange Flow, Meridian and Five Phases theory to common problems like neck, shoulder, and back tension/pain, headache, chest/respiratory problems, menstrual difficulties, pelvic tension, digestive stress, insomnia, joint problems. Includes focus on bodymind process skills. (21 hr.)
• A) Causes of imbalance: Exogenous and endogenous causes of dis-ease, including the 6 External Pathogens and the 7 Evil Emotions (reviewed); and the 4 levels (protection, Qi, nutrition, blood). Review 6 Divisions; Zang/Fu theory and curious organs. Fundamental substances. Introduction to the 8 Principles. (21 hr.)
• B) Tendino-muscular meridians and their relevance to JSD acupressure. Accumulation points. (14 hr.)
Required Class Materials: Advanced Supplement, © 1982; A Complete Guide to Acupressure © 1996 & The Joy of Feeling©1987 by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden (Japan Pub.)

70 hours of Clinical Experience
May be obtained as an internship ("in house" at a bodywork school), or as an "externship" (in a supportive professional setting, with supervision from an authorized JSD teacher, acupuncturist, psychotherapist, chiropractor, physical therapist, doctor or other health professional). The entire process of the 70 hours of clinical experience must be supervised by an authorized JSD teacher. (Or JSDF accepts instead 125 logged experience hours.)
• Unit 1. Clinical experience using Jin Shin Do acupressure (50 hr.)
• Unit 2. Direct supervision & discussion of cases (20 hr). To include: greeting and interacting with clients respecting their process, and accepting the negative yet emphasizing (and ending sessions with)the positive. Contraindications. Taking notes; case studies. Legal-ethical questions; JSD Code of Ethics. Business practices.
Evaluation Method: Letters of verification and recommendation from the supervising team, or signed log.

70 hours of Bodymind Acupressure with Iona M. Teeguarden
These classes are not required for JSD registration.
Part 1 "BODYMIND TRANCEWORK" (25 hr.):
Prerequisite: Basic JSD (Module I, part 1).

• Ericksonian techniques for working with the trance or meditative states induced by JSD, in which there is increased receptivity to minimal cues.
• Suggestive language
• Indirection
• Body Focusing and Place of Comfort techniques
• C.A.R.E. F.O.R.S. outline of body-oriented trancework process
• Using metaphors
• Story-telling
• Exercises to develop therapeutic skills.
Prerequisite: Module IV, part 1.

• Focus on healing from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and recovering feelings without retraumatization.
• Exercises for learning safe, effective "exposure" and "cognitive" therapy techniques. (which can reduce PTSD symptoms like hyperarousal).
Part 3 The "Emotional Kaleidoscope" & Abuse Issues (20 hr.):

Prerequisite: Module IV, part 2.
• Using the 5-Elements based "Emotional Kaleidoscope" and techniques derived from Ericksonian and Redecision therapies to help heal the wounds of abuse and nurture the core Self.
Required Materials: Chpt. 7, 21-22, A Complete Guide to Acu-pressure, Revised 2002; Joy of Feeling 1987; 2003, by Iona.

Intensive Teacher Training Program:
with Iona Marsaa Teeguarden
In-depth training in the teaching of Basic Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure®. Dynamic personal transformative work in daily demonstrations and practice sessions. (The 2006 I.T.T.P. is the 14th since 1982.) 75 hours. Required for Jin Shin Do® teacher authorization and trademark licensure.
Prerequisites for ITTP:Master Class (Mod. II, pt. 2) & Bodymind Trancework (Mod. IV, pt. 1) with Iona; 5 JSD sessions; recommendation from an authorized JSD teacher; resume.

General Statements:
JSD classes are recreational, avocational and adjunctive training (offered at growth centers, health facilities, massage schools and colleges). Authorized Jin Shin Do® teachers are Trademark Licensees, who agree to maintain quality standards set by JSD originator Iona Marsaa Teeguarden and to use required JSD class handbooks to teach the required course content (developed with input from Authorized JSD Teachers).

"Jin Shin Do" Module I-IV classes are open to anyone who has met the prerequisites—by completing the preceding classes (if any) with an Authorized JSD Teacher—and who is willing to follow the JSDF Code of Ethics. Men and women of all ages and ethnic or religious origins, from all countries, are welcome. Loose, comfortable clothing is recommended.

Students may take Module I and II JSD classes from any JSD teacher authorized to teach the classes, and they may take the different classes from different Authorized JSD Teachers (except: a school or teacher may require taking entire courses in-house).

Required charts for the Basic JSD class are $10. Required class booklets are about $10 each. Cost of required books is given on the Jin Shin Do Product Catalog on the next page. (If a teacher requires additional materials, s/he provides an estimate of the cost.)

JSD teachers use a pass-fail evaluation method. Completion requirements for each class are listed in the class outline, and may be further specified by the Authorized Jin Shin Do® Teacher.

JSDF encourages both auditing and assisting classes. A 1:10 assistant:student ratio is recommended, with assistants being Registered JSD Acupressurists or Advanced JSD students, who can acquire valuable experience through this "Jin Shin Do" system.


The "Jin Shin Do" trademark was registered in California in 1980 and "Bodymind Acupressure" was registered in 1986. "Jin Shin Do" was registered in the U.S. (®) in 1983 (with logo registered later), and since in Canada, Germany, Switzerland, U.K., Sweden, Norway, the Benelux countries, Australia and New Zealand. It was registered in the European Community in 1999, and CTM registration covers 25 member countries. Registration is pending in elsewhere. We do enforce our trademarks, to protect the integrity of Jin Shin Do® Bodymind Acupressure®

• Dates and length of classes.
• Names of teachers and assistants, and maximum number of students in the class.
• Fees for classes. (Vary according to the area and setting.) Ask if class fee does or does not include the &7 annual JSDF student fee: Student members receive the JSDF newsletter and directory, and a JSD computerized class record is maintained for them. These computerized JSDF records are confidential.
• Availability of time payments or work-study programs, if any, and availability of lodging.






Founder, M.A., ABT(NCCAOM)




Jin Shin Do® Foundation for Bodymind Acupressure®


Distance Learning


Tel. 951-659-5707
Fax. 951-659-5707



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