
Inner Sound Tools for Self-Discovery CDs

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INNER SOUND (1978) is an original method of therapeutic relaxation music and sound therapy. Our CDs can be used to restore and maintain your physical and emotional well-being, improve health, promote relaxation and support any form of therapy, enhancing the expression and integration of the emotions.

Composer Arden Wilken has created over 20 different CD titles for specific themes including: improving memory & concentration; communication & self-expression; physical vitality; developing creativity & intuition; meditation & creative visualizations.

Sound and music stimulates our hearing mechanism and vibrates the cranial bones. Sound waves produce a sympathetic response throughout the whole body - remember those 'musical thrills' tingling down your spine? - restoring balance to the whole system.

Co-creators, Arden & Jack Wilken, have identified over 50 short melodies or musical phrases with specific effects that promote movement and restore balance in different systems in the body, releasing tensions relating to different emotional themes.

You can use Inner Sound Tools for Self-Discovery CDs to:

  • Improve your or your child's studies
  • Increase your capacity for stress reduction and to relax your mind and body
  • Recover more quickly from an illness or operation
  • Improve your communication skills

And much more. If you're interested in buying our music, please visit our website and order online at www.ardenwilken.com


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Inner Sound





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