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A Very Natural Solution for Child ADHD and Adult ADHD
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Tags: Adult ADHD, Child ADHD, Adult Attention Deficit disOrder, Students with Disabilities

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     In growing a society we can always find people, who are  more or less able, more or less involved in their own personal problems and life situations, meanwhile others are having a harder time with learning and understanding.

     Psychiatrists may label adults with low or non-comprehension for learning with Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (Adult ADHD), and children and teens, as students with disabilities, more precisely and simply with Child ADHD.

     What is now Adult ADHD, or Child ADHD ?

     We have to go here very far back to an adult's childhood    and can find right there the real reason for that very openly. This person did start having these learning problems already from a very young age on. Because as soon one knows how to read and write, one couldn't really forget about it anymore. This is why my following explanation about this problem also applies to all the children of today, who are encountering the same problem, because ...

     Adult ADHD and Child ADHD show here the following common denominator:

     Both did from the very beginning never really learn about the Phonics, which are the very basic and extreme important building block to our language. Because here one is learning, that the individual letters of the English language can have very different sounds in different words, and that the writing of these words may also look opposite, to how they get spoken out. This can become very confusing, without having any knowledge or practice about that. And there are other words, sounding the same way, but having very distinct meanings, with also a completely different way of writing them. I could make here some examples, but the truth is that from young age on, many children are missing out on a proper professional introduction to that, and then they can never really catch up later with their problems and misunderstandings, where other trained children are doing fine. This is not a psychiatric disease for putting the child on a drug prescription, it just wasn't done right in the first place.

     Actually never ever anybody needs to get labeled with Adult ADHD or Child ADHD, because study problems of any kind can get handled very easily today, completely and satisfactorly with a very effective Study Technology.

     People only fail with learning, because they are not grasping or understanding a subject suddenly     as good anymore, as they did it at the beginning. They then usually think, that they are missing out somehow on their own intelligence, or that the subject is too hard to learn. But they just had several major misunderstandings accumulated, what started to block their comprehension. Because misunder- standings add up, when not properly corrected, what will also bring one's original enthusiasm very much down on a subject.

     The first recommendation is here to do a very precise Phonics Introduction and Training, based on the actual reading level of the person, so that the correct teaching plan can be supplied together with some books, which fit to this particular level. This reading level of a person will be found out with testing. Either a person has then to start from the very beginning or can already jump up to a higher plateau, and go from there.

             - We are delivering all the Phonics Levels in the area of Austin, Texas -

   But if this is not indicating as the Real Problem, then we recommend the following:

    Please go to my  Therapist Page and then down to my Link Section:

     1.) Read about "What Is A Learning Disorder" ./. "What Is Study Technology"

     2.) Read about Learn How To Learn, "A Study Technology For Children"

    We are also offering help in many other Problem Areas and Life Situations:

     1.) Awesome Life Improvement Books

     2.) A Pain Relief without Drugs

     3.) About Drugs, Drug Abuse and a very effective Drug Rehabilitation Program

     4.) Healthy Foods and Real Natural Healing

     5.) Helpful Advices For How to Loose Weight

           ... and more !

By Thomas Lechner
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: I myself had some horrible problems in school which I would not have gone through if I would have had already known at that time about the actual available solutions for learning. I made it through my school but it was sometimes a nightmare.

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