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What makes Dianetics so different to other Practices
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Tags: what is survival, goal of life, the soul, what is the soul, problems of the mind, mental image pictures

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     Prior to 1950, planetwide the scientific thought was the conclusion, that our mind would be the brain, i.e., a collection of cells and neurons, and nothing more. Not only was it considered that our individual abilities could never be improved, but also scientists believed that with the strucuture of the human body, our personality was likewise irrevocably established. These theories were, however, inaccurate, and as a consequence scientists never found a workable theory about the mind, nor a means to resolve the problems of the mind and also never asking for, what is the soul.

     L.Ron Hubbard changed all that with Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health. Its publication in 1950 marks a watershed in the history of man's quest for a true understanding of himself. Dianetics is a methadology which can help alleviate unwanted sensations and emotions, irrational fears and psychosomatic illnesses (illness caused or aggravated by mental stress). It is most accurately described as, what is the soul doing to the body through the mind.

     Dianetics rests on basic principles, easily learned, clearly demonstrated as true, and every bit as valid today as when first released in 1950.

     The Goal Of Life

     The concise statement of the goal of life itself was one of the most fundamental breakthroughs of Dianetics. This, the dynamic principle of man's existence, was discovered by L.Ron Hubbard and from that, many hitherto unanswered questions were resolved.

     The goal of life can be considered to be infinite survival.That man seeks to survive has long been known, but that it is the primary motivation is new. Man, as a life form, can be demonstrated to obey in all his actions and purposes the one command: "SURVIVE !" This is the common denominator of all life, and from it came the critical resolution of man's ills and aberrations.

     What is Survival

     To answer the question what is survival, survival is not only the difference between life and death. There are various levels of survival. The better one is able to manage his life and increase his level of survival, the more he will have pleasure, abundance and satisfaction.

     Pain, disappointment and failure are the result of actions which do not promote survival.

     What is Survival related to the Mind

     Dianetics states that the purpose of the mind is to solve problems relating to survival. The mind directs the individual in the effort of survival and bases its operation upon the information that it receives or records. The mind records data using what is called, mental image pictures.

     Such pictures are actually three-dimensional, containing color, sound and smell, as well as other perceptions. They also include the conclusions or speculations of the individual. Mental image pictures are continuesly made by the mind, moment by moment. One can, for instance, examine the picture of what he had for breakfast this morning by recalling breakfast; and similarly recover a picture of an event which occured last week by recalling it; or even recall something which happened a much longer time ago.

     Mental image pictures are actually composed of energy. They have mass, they exist in space and they follow some very, very definite routines of behavior, the most interesting of which is the fact that they appear when somebody thinks of something. If a person thinks of a certain dog, he gets a picture of that dog.

     The consecutive record of mental image pictures which accumulates through an individulas life is called the time track. The time track is a very accurate record of a person's past. As a rough analogy, the time track could be considered be likened to a motion-picture film - if that film were three-dimensional, had fifty-seven perceptions and could fully react upon the observer.

     The mind uses these pictures to make decisions that promote survival. The mind's basic motivation, even though a person might fail in an undertaking or a mistake, is always survival.

     A Knowledge of Life, what is the Soul

     The breakthrough came in the autumn of 1951, after L.Ron Hubbard observed many, many people using Dianetics and found a commonality of experience and phenomena about the soul. After carefully reviewing all relevant research data, L.Ron Hubbard isolated the answer: Man was neither his body nor his mind, but a spiritual being. This was the source of all that is good, decent and creative in the world: the individual being himself. With this discovery, L.Ron Hubbard founded the Religion of Scientology, because he had moved firmly into the field traditionally belonging to religion - the realm of the human soul.

                                          (includes quotes from the book "What is Scientology")

     The Book, which is explaining everything about what is survival, what is the soul, the goal of life, including all the research data about the problems of the mind related to our mental image pictures, is "Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health", written by L.Ron Hubbard.

Below you will find a link to our website with - Life Improvement Books - where you can watch several high quality demonstration videos about Dianetics and Scientology.

By Thomas Lechner
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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