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Many of us long to make the most of our natural assets. There are occasions when we actively strive to look good. Yet in everyone's life there comes a time when we recognise that youth is not ours forever. This is when a visit to a facial rejuvenation therapist qualified in Natural Face Lift Massage can be timely and beneficial.

A precise healthcare modality, Natural Face Lift Massage successfully combines ancient theory with a practical, modern approach to looking and feeling your best --- whatever your age. As we learn to nurture and balance our inner and outer lives, the changes we make are reflected in our features. With the deceptively simple massage and energy balancing techniques of the Natural Face Lift Massage, you can discover a new and exciting way to take care of the assets you possess.

This totally natural, non-invasive treatment can help reverse some of the adverse effects that have already occurred to your skin. As your face is soothed into calmness, your features can visibly relax. The result?  You feel beautifully at peace with the world.

Treatments and training courses don't only occur in some of the world's biggest cities. You can also find them as far afield as Derby and Devon, Cardiff and California, the Niagara Falls and North London to train groups in this wonderful method of facial rejuvenation.

While fifteen minutes can seem pleasurably long when you're in the skilled and caring hands of a Natural Face Lift Massage professional, the normal length of a session is one hour. After sixty minutes of being cared for and healed by your Natural Face Lift Massage therapist, a renewed sense of tranquillity is often reflected in your features as you look at yourself in the mirror. Expression lines can be eased and your complexion can look fresher and more toned than it has for years. Not only this --- compliments from others confirm that what you're experiencing is not a figment of your imagination but tangible proof that you're feeling more relaxed and vibrant than you have for a long time.

It's important to remember this wonderful massage is not a 'quick fix.' The effects are cumulative.  When a client decides to have regular treatments, it's a commitment to looking and feeling one's best and to patiently watching the benefits intensify. A course of treatments can be anything from five to ten weekly sessions but there are no hard and fast rules and each person is individually assessed, taking into account factors such as skin condition, overall health and lifestyle before a treatment plan is drawn up. As with all responsible healthcare modalities, there are contraindications or reasons why for some people the massage may not appropriate, though it's fair to say that most people can readily enjoy the risk-free benefits of facial rejuvenation. Once the intensive part of the treatment process is over, clients can come once a month or every six weeks to maintain the benefits. Again, this is a matter for discussion between the client and the therapist. It's definitely not a high maintenance system and that fact pleases people who lead busy lives and are careful about how they spend their money.

You will work with the therapist and the therapist works with you. How does it work exactly? Your therapist may point out some of the changes your body can undergo while you're lying still and becoming more and more deeply relaxed. You are welcome to ask for the 'before and after' test during your first treatment. The results could convince you that the Natural Face Lift Massage is a serious alternative to other forms of cosmetic surgery. If you're serious about looking your best, you may welcome the suggestions your therapist may make about increased water intake or trying out some simple, timesaving face exercises at home. When you combine the massage with some lifestyle choices and a simple exercise routine, you'll likely to be well on the way to keeping your looks while maintaining your health in optimum condition.

The Natural Face Lift Massage can relieve tension in areas you had no idea were tense. During a treatment, over ninety face and neck muscles are systematically massaged while acupressure points are activated. The massage helps free constrictions in the connective tissues and aids restoration of microcirculation. After just one treatment, your skin can glide more smoothly over the deeper layers of facial muscle and bone. Your face can feel and look more alive and rested. Given the optimum conditions to restore a sense of balance, the body's innate healing energy can work unhindered. Circular moves, unusual smoothing techniques, delicate and precise procedures that leave the facial skin plumped up are applied to every part of the face. Your skin feels alive, rejuvenated and somehow smoother. This begs the question: is beauty more than skin deep? It seems that one answer to feeling beautifully comfortable in your skin, no matter how old or young you are, lies in the capable hands of a facial rejuvenation therapist trained in Natural Face Lift Massage.

By Kundan Mehta
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Kundan Mehta is co-author of "The Art of Indian Face Massage" (published by Element) which she co-wrote with her partner, the distinguished creator, practitioner and teacher of Indian Champissage , Narendra Mehta. By combining her extensive experience of beauty therapy and the energy balancing principles of Ayurvedic medecine, Kundan Mehta gradually developed her technique, of Indian Face Massage for Facial Rejuvination, a massage which works to de-stress and support the facial muscles. Kundan offers treatments and training courses at the London Centre of Indian Champissage.

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