
Husk Gold - 180g

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Husk Gold

The colon is sometimes referred to as the large intestines and is part of the digestive system. It acts like a sewage system removing toxins and waste from your body safely. Good colon health is important for general well-being and many health conscious people are keen to ensure a healthy and cleansed colon.

Husk Gold is a premium UK produced psyllium husk powder which contains a wide variety of natural nutrients which it is ideal for long term use as a high fibre bowel maintenance formula and also useful as a colon cleanse supplement in connection with weight loss programs.

Bowel and colon health is important to ensure good health and well-being. Colon cleansing is now popular in the UK as it is suggested as a healthy route to detoxify the whole body which improves nutrition to every cell.


What is in Husk Gold ?

Formulated by a leading UK supplement formulator for Silvertown Health under UK GMP standards, it is specifically formulated for colon cleanse , cell wall repair, bowel health and overall bowel maintenance support for long-term use so your colon can have the best nutrients to assist optimum colon health for a more healthy you.

It includes -

  • The high fibre content from psyllium husks which acts as a bowel cleanse & cleansing nutrient in the colon - its action is as a bulking agent in the bowel which helps to stimulate peristalsis for normal and frequent bowel movements.

  • Included are eight digestive enzymes which help to break down the foods eaten and support a healthy digestive system which is crucial for good health.

  • Ginger, peppermint and fennel help to digest the food and are also soothing to the gut & bowel

  • Five strains of probiotic culture included help to maintain the correct balance of bowel friendly bacteria - they will keep the pathogenic / "unfriendly bowel bacteria" and yeast under control.

  • FOS (Fructo-Oligosaccharides) is a prebiotic. It is food for the friendly bacteria in the bowel.

  • L-Glutamine is also added which feeds the bowel wall cells and helps to heal and repair damaged cells.


Husk Gold is also useful for those people who do not consume sufficient fibre in their diet and experience "pellet like" stools or constipation. It does not make the colon / bowel "lazy" like other non-natural products & laxatives.


More Information

Pot Size - 180g Powder

Nutritional Information:

- Psyllium Husks
- Fructo-Oligosaccharides (prebiotics)
- L-Glutamine

- Probiotic Cultures:
* Lactobacillus plantarum
* Lactobacillus rhamnosus
* Lactobacillus bulgaricus
* Lactobacillus acidophilus
* Bifidobacterium bifidum

- Digestive Enzymes:
* Amylase
* Protease
* Invertase
* Alpha Galactosidase
* Hemi Cellulase
* Phytase
* Lipase
* Cellulase

- Herbs:
- Fennel Seed
- Ginger Root
- Papain
- Peppermint Leaf


  • Dairy FREE

  • Gluten FREE

  • Wheat FREE

  • Suitable for Vegetarians

Recommended Use:

  • Add1 to 2 heaped teaspoons into a glass of water and mix. Taken 1 - 3 times per day.

  • Best results are achieved when ... it is taken continuously for three months with improved healthy eating habits.

  • Colon Cleansing – Buy Psyllium Husk

Available from
Click to Purchase from Silvertown Health :
Husk Gold - 180g
01772 466182

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