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Certified Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy tm and Hypnosis

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Become the most exquisite Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis in just 7 days of classroom time

As a Health and Lifestyle Expert I have assisted hundreds and hundreds of people in transforming themselves and their lives, enabling them to be who they truly are, have fantastic health, great relationships, fantastic careers, a wonderful home life, creating the health and life they truly want and through my work, I’m often asked “how do you do what you do”, now is the time for you to find out!

As well as learning how I do what I do I will also save you 13 days of classroom time and you will receive 3 Certifications, which are recognised worldwide.

WHY would you want to become a practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis in just 7 days?

Do you want to have improved health, more confidence, fantastic relationships, emotional calm and control, great sleep, improved energy and vitality, a happy family life, the career of your dreams, earn the amount of money you want to, have work life balance and assist others in being able to do the same?

Do you want to have an in-depth grasp and understanding of the workings of the mind; understanding how both your own mind works and how to tap into and understand the unique workings of each individual’s mind, how to consistently achieve the results you want in all areas of life and how to enable others to do the same?

Would you like to be able to easily build rapport in any situation with any person and most elegantly put your point across, easily building rapport with your clients and customers, understanding what makes them tick and speaking in their mind’s own language to then match their values and outcomes with your product and service during business and sales meetings?

Would you like to free yourself and assist others to be free of past emotional blocks and barriers, removing all negative emotions from the past such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, remove any limiting decision such as “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not confident”, resolving and removing inner conflict and also learning how you can create your future exactly how you want it to be.

Would you like to have fantastic hypnosis skills, which will enable you to stand on the shoulders of giants such as Milton Erickson to work easily and eloquently with hypnosis creating varying levels of trance with your clients to create deep and lasting change in all areas of their life from weight loss to public speaking and sales!

WHAT will you learn during your accelerated 7-day NLP Practitioner course ?

As well as the mind sets of success and how to always have personal energy and vitality you will be learning the following –

NLP segment -

•    Background to NLP – learn about the background, origins and history of NLP
•    The prime directives of the unconscious mind, how the conscious and unconscious minds work differently and how to most easily have the two minds work together to consistently create results
•    The Presuppositions of NLP – a collection of empowering mindsets that really enhance your flexibility both personally and when working with clients in what is truly possible with regards to creating change
•    Sensory acuity and calibration – how to use and fine tune your five senses to calibrate and gain an understanding of how a person is internalising and processing information
•    Building rapport through words, physiology and voice tonality dramatically enhancing your abilities to influence and also build better relationships with family, friends and customers
•    Well formed outcomes – a set of specific questions that enable a person to create really concrete and congruent goals
•    The power of language to create change
•    Representational systems – understanding how a person is internalising their experiences whether this be in pictures, sounds, or even feelings and how we can match this to most easily build rapport and excellent communications whether this be in a sales or relationship context
•    Linguistic presuppositions – learning about the structure of language and inherent power of various linguistic constructions to create change
•    Reframing – the ability to change the meaning of a presenting thought / belief or situation from one that is disempowering to a person to empowering. Enabling a person to approach, see, think, and feel completely differently about a situation that was once hindering them in some way.
•    Chunking – how to use our language to move through different levels of abstraction in areas such as problem solving and negotiation
•    Milton model – a powerful set of language patterns modelled from Milton Erickson MD and how he constructed language patterns to create change within his clients therefore enabling you to be able to do the same
•    Meta model – a linguistic model that enables you to pull out and resolve presenting problems at a deep core level, maximising the leverage of your language skills and results you are able to achieve
•    Sub modalities and working with sub modalities, understanding how we structure and code internally and how we can change this internal coding to create change, remove change beliefs, remove minor unwanted states or behaviours such as nail biting (Swish patterns).
•    Anchoring, collapsed anchors, chaining anchors, to remove minor unwanted states such as nerves and enabling a person to be able to stop procrastinating to always being motivated. Also enabling us to have emotional control at all times, tapping into the most powerful resource states such as confident and totally powerful
•    Elicitation and utilisation of strategies, in all areas of life from sales to relationships – enabling you to tap into the steps and processes a person makes such as making decisions, becoming motivated so you talk in their own unique step by step process to achieve outcomes

     Time Line Therapy ® segment -

•    Introduction to Time Line Therapy ®
•    Discovering the time line
•    Discovering the root cause
•    Releasing negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, quickly and easily
•    Removing limiting decisions such as “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t have the life I want”
•    Changing the orientation of the time line
•    How to create your future exactly how you want it to be
•    Parts integration to remove inner conflict and create inner deep congruence

Hypnosis segment -

•    The prime directives of the unconscious mind
•    Dispelling any myths around hypnosis, what hypnosis really is and who is really in control during the hypnosis session
•    The history of hypnosis
•    Learn about and experience varying levels of trance
•    Learn how to discern someone’s level of suggestibility
•    Using non verbal suggestions to induce trance
•    Working with scripts favoured by the master himself, Milton Erikson MD to induce trance
•    Learn how to embed post hypnotic suggestions
•    The general healing paradigm
•    To formulate and deliver transformational metaphors, modelled from Milton Erickson

We are also the FIRST to offer a very special package to all of our students, in addition to your training course your investment fee includes UNILIMITED email and telephone coaching and support, a 2 HOUR face to face coaching session with Claire to really enable you to fine tune your NLP skills in your chosen area of application AND an hours face to face coaching session with Claire 12 months after you become Certified.

HOW do you become an exquisite practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ®, Hypnosis in just 7 days classroom time?

As soon as you book on your practitioner training the training begins and you will be sent out your Home Study Pack, created by Master Trainer of NLP David Shephard of The Performance Partnership, which consists of a manual, CD’s, DVD’s and your written test. By covering your home study you will arrive at the training very familiar with the content, which means that we can really fast track our classroom learning by getting into exercises and practising the techniques you have already learnt on the very first day.

As you are applying your NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis techniques during the exercises you will be given feedback and coaching from our highly trained and experienced coaching assistants, meaning that your confidence in your abilities grows each stage of the way.

Your classroom time will be a mixture of teaching and exercises, reviewing the content you have already learnt through your home study and many different exercises to really enhance your application of the techniques, increasing your confidence as an exquisite Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis each and every day!

Who are your Trainers?

The Lead Trainer will be Claire Hegarty, who is a Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy ®, Master Hypnotherapist, Certified NLP Master Coach.

Claire has been working in the field of personal development for over 10 years and her passion is to assist others in being who they truly are and maximising their true potential whether this be on a one to one basis with her Breakthrough Coaching or a one to many basis during her highly inspirational and transformational Trainings…

We are very pleased to be joined by Victoria Whitney who will be teaching the Hypnosis segment of the training. Victoria is a highly sought after coach and trainer and will be bringing to the training a training style which blends her many years of experience in both her training and one on one work combined with her electric and magnetic personality and presence as a trainer.

WHAT IF you became a Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis in just 7 days classroom time?

What if you now leave the training course as a Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis, knowing and believing that you are an exquisite practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis and can successfully apply all of your new found techniques in all areas of life, you have found your true self, your confidence is shining, you are now able to be who you truly are and create the results you want in all areas of life totally 100% congruent that you can easily assist others to do the same.

You can easily build rapport with anyone at any time, you can notice and calibrate even the most minute changes in your clients and customers so you can know the answers they will give you before they do. You have a real in-depth understanding of how the mind works, how to best to work with the mind and how to tap into and understand how other peoples minds work, whether this be in assisting a person in creating change to satisfying someone’s decision making strategy in sales. You know how to create massive change using language alone, the power of language, how to apply NLP in sales, negotiation, health, family, relationships and career and you know the mind sets to success and how to consistently create the desired outcomes you want!

You also know and have experienced the power of Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis so you too can assist others in releasing themselves from the past, removing past negative emotions and limiting decisions, enabling a person to gain deep inner congruence, create their future exactly how they want it to be, combining all of your new techniques so you are now being the most exquisite Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy ® and Hypnosis, walking in your own magnificence and assisting others to do the same!

Contact us today to find out details of dates, prices and special offers
Call us on 0151 678 3358 / 07714 853 524
Email – info@tranceformations-pbe.com or visit our website www.clairehegarty.co.uk

Where is the training – The Alton Lodge Hotel, 78 Hoole Road, Chester,
CH2 3NT. Light refreshments of tea, coffee and water will be provided throughout the day and delegates will be required to provide their own lunch and any snacks they may require throughout the day

"Time Line Therapy™ is a registered trademark of Tad James, and is exclusively licensed to The Time Line Therapy™ Association."  

Details To find out about the dates of the course in August please call 0151 678 3358 or 07714 853524


Certified Practitioner NLP, Time Line Therapy tm, Hypnosis


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Guaranteed Personal and Business Training Solution



Tel. 0151 678 3358
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