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An innovation designed by women for women.

Controls incontinence and helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

How Incostress works

Worn the same way as a tampon, it gently supports the urethra and bladder neck bringing these into a natural anatomical position. 

If the user coughs, sneezes or places any exersion on the lower abdomen the support Incostress offers controls the involuntary loss of urine, allowing the user to a better quality of life. 

The other benefit Incostress offers to the user is that it can be used in conjunction with physiotherapy training of pelvic floor training. (Kegel exercises) 

Incostress is ergonomically shaped to allow the user to be able to squeeze the incostress and engage the core muscles of the pelvic floor. Incostress can be used as a pelvic floor exerciser.

Incostress is the only product which can be used as a medical device to control female incontinence and doubles up as a pelvic floor exerciser.

When to use Incostress

Incostress can be used day and/or night or simple when required. It offers the user total control.

  • During sports activities. As sports impact causing light stress incontinence only during sport, it is important to support the urethra and pelvic floor to avoid further damage.
  • Ideal 6 weeks after giving birth to support the pelvic floor and to start rebuilding the pelvic floor strength and controlling the stress incontinence.
  • For women who experience stress incontinence
  • Women who experience nocturia. The support Incostress places on the urethra stops the trickle of urine which starts the mechanism of 'needing the toilet', allowing the user a full nights rest.
  • Urge incontinence, use Incostress as an aid to help stabilize the bladder, support the urethra and allow enough time for the user to reach the toilet without wetting themselves.
  • Women who want to identify and carry out pelvic floor training. (Incostress was trialled in the USA under the auspices of Dr Bruce Crawford with his Pfilates program, results showed 98% success rate using Incostress and the Pfilates program.

Benefits of Incostress

  • Easy to use and effective
  • Re-usable
  • Easy to clean
  • Ergonomically shaped for ulimate comfort
  • Incostress is discreet
  • A natural gentle support for the urethra and bladder neck
  • Incostress controls incontinence
  • Incostress can be used as an incontinence prevention device
  • Does not interfere with normal urination or bowel movements.
  • Incostress can be used as a stand alone pelvic floor exerciser (for kegel exercises) 
  • Environmentally friendly (more economical that using pads)
  • Incostress is cost effective for the user and hospitals
  • Improves quality of life
  • The user is in full control of her own body

Incostress contraindications

Do not use if:

  • During menstruation
  • Pregnant
  • You have a urinary, bladder or vaginal infection
  • You are allergic to any type of silicone. 
  • you have a grade 2-4 prolapse

more information can be found on www.incostress.com or www.stress-incontinence.com

Available from
£24.15 plus VAT
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