
Get Well Soon

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ISBN: n/a
Description: Printed in the UK, paperback, 38 pages
Weight: 90g
Size: 148 x 210mm


Back by popular demand, this little gem of a book is perfect for anyone getting started in homeopathy or for those that want a quick reference guide to first aid homeopathy. 

If you want to deal with accidents and common ailments at home as quickly, effectively and safely as possible then this book is for you. From Abscesses to Whooping Cough all the common ailments are listed alphabetically. Over 25 great first aid remedies described.

Written in good, simple English with lovely illustrations. The book gives details on: 

What is homeopathy
A brief history of homeopathy 
Prescribing and dispensing 
Index to common ailments 
Introducing the homeopathic constitutional remedy

About the author Misha Norland is a Fellow and a founding member of The Society of Homeopaths and was the first editor of its journal. A practitioner now for over 30 years, he was Head of Homeopathic Research at the first UK homeopathic college in 1977. In 1981 he founded the School of Homeopathy , one of the oldest school in the UK. Widely respected for his teaching and practice skills, he provides numerous lectures and over the years has taught many of the world`s leading homeopaths. He is also an international clinical facilitator and lecturer, author, and is well known for his contributions to journals, conferences and new materia medica. In addition to running the School in the UK, he teaches and overviews the assessment standards at the School of Homeopathy, New York, and is the principal clinical teacher for the School`s international study . Misha loves to blend old and new ideas, and to weave information together in a memorable way.


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