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Attracting Prosperity through Chakras

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In Attracting Prosperity Through The Chakras, best-selling author Cyndi Dale shows you how to determine your chakra type and the complementary financial style that will lead to personal and financial success. Using the codes of your chakra system described in this book, you will learn how to clarify your unique life purpose, tackle debt or financial difficulties with more ease, and choose lucrative investments. Going beyond basic financial management, Attracting Prosperity Through The Chakras provides the means to access the mystical and powerful energies of the universe to accomplish your individual goals and ultimately realize your lifelong dreams.


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Books, CDs & DVDs
(Total : 275)
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1001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom
A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine
A-to-Z Guide to Supplements: A Handy Resource to Today's Most Effective Nutritional Supplements
Advanced Brazilian bikini waxing
Afternoon with Mother
Afternoon with mother
All About Children
Allergy Bible
An introduction to acupressure
Anatomy and pathology for body workers
Anatomy colouring workbook - 3rd edition
Applied Kinesiology
Aque zone
Aromatherapy - Essential Oils in Colour
Aromatherapy and the Mind
Aromatherapy and Your Emotions
Aromatherapy for Animals
Aromatherapy for Common Ailments
Aromatherapy for Healthy Legs and Feet
Aromatherapy for Massage Practitioners
Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child
Aromatherapy Workbook
Art of Chi Kung
Awakening Beauty the Dr. Hauschka Way
Awakening the secret code of your mind
Ayurveda Secrets of Healing
Ayurveda the sectrets of healing- reissue
Ayurveda, Nature's Medicine
Ayurveda-natures medicine
Ayurveda-secrets of healing
Ayurvedic Guide to Diet and Weight Loss
Ayurvedic guide to diet and weight loss
Ayurvedic Healing
Ayurvedic healing
Babe in the wood
Baby fitness
Baby fun
Baby series -sweet dreams
Baby series-no more crying
Bach Flower Massage
Bach flower massage
Bach flower remedies
Bach Flower Remedies for Animals
Bach flower remedies for animals
Bach flower therapy-theory and practice
Balancing your chakras
Bathtime baby
Beat stress and fatigue
Beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes: perming and tinting
Beauty by nature
Blossoming heart
Breaking the patterns of depression
Bringing stillnes into everyday life
Bushland dreaming
Captured moments box set
Cellulite massage
Chakra cleaning
Chakras for beginners
Chakras for the 21sr century
Chakras:balancing your bodys energy for health and harmony
Chakre therapy: for personal growth and healing
Chi Gung-chinese healing,energy and natural magic
Chi Kung for health and vitality
Chinese acupressure massage 2nd editition
Clinical shiatsu
Color medicine:the secrets of color/vibrational medicine
Color therapy
Complementary therapy:ethics and law
Complete calm
Comprehensive reflexology and massage: the hand
Controlling stress
Cosmic ordering for beginners
Cosmic ordering: the next adventure
Creating trance and hypnotherapy scripts
Creative Brazilian waxing techniques
Crystal,colour and chakra healing
Crystals pocket guide to natural healing power
Crystals,gems and minerals
Cunninghams encylclopaedia of magical herbs
Deep tissue massage:a visual guide to techniques
Developing your own psychic power
Directory of essential oils
Do it yourself-pure plant and skin care
Dolphin healing
Dream bible-new edition
Dream counselling and healing
Dream oracle
Dreams and discoveries
Dry room treatments,Body scrub VOL1
Dry room treatments,Body scrub VOL2
Dynamic body use for effective,strain free massage
Emotional release therapy
Enchanted christmas
Enhancing fertility naturally
Equine massage for performance horses
Esoteric anatomy
Essentials of Sweedish massage
Exploring vibrational medicine
Eyebroy contouring and facial waxing
Eyelash extensions Vol1
Eyelash extensions Vol2
Facial equipment techniques
Family health for dummies
Feng shui by hemispheres
Feng shui for beginners
Feng shui for the soul
Feng shui steps for your career
Finding your lifes purpose
Flawless body waxing
Flower essence and vibrational healing
Forever flawless
Goddess awakening
Handbook of chinese massage
Hands on feet the new system that makes reflexology a snap
Hawaiin massage Lomi Lomi level 1
Hawaiin massage Lomi Lomi level 2
Healilng stone massage 2
Healing crystals:the a-z to 430 gemstones
Healing massage
Healing mind healing body
Healing power of acupressure and acupuncture
Healing power of colour
Healing stone massage
Healing yoga
Healing yourself with self hypnosis
Hidden forest
High performance nutrition
Holistic aromatherapy for animals
Homeopathy colouring book
Hyperhealth-natural health+nutrition encylopedia
Hypno CD vol 18- A sober life
Hypno CD vol 40 - pain free
Hypnosis CD VOL 11- creating abundance
Hypnosis CD vol 17- Super study
Hypnosis CD vol 19 - beating marijuana addiction
Hypnosis CD vol 2 - quit smoking
Hypnosis CD vol 4 - stress management
Hypnosis CD vol 44 - cancer
Hypnosis CD vol 45- diabetes
Hypnosis CD vol 49 - fear and panic free
Hypnosis CD vol 5 - happiness and self esteem
Hypnosis CD vol 6 - Super selling
Hypnosis CD vol 61 -Selfworth and optimism
Hypnosis CD vol 66-Energy boost
Hypnosis CD vol 67 - Power nap
Hypnosis CD vol 68 - Public speaking
Hypnosis CD vol 69 - overcoming phobias
Hypnosis CD vol 7 - Super memory
Hypnosis CD vol 8 - Mind body healing
Hypnosis CD vol 9 - super sports improvement
Hypnosis CD- creating better relationships
Hypnosis CD-Control your gambling urge
Hypnosis CD-Enhance your intuition
Hypnosis vol 16 child calm
Hypnosis vol 21 - flying beyond fear
Hypnosis vol 22-enhance your calm
Hypnosis vol 3- insomnia cure
Hypnosis vol 48- a youthful you
Hypnosis vol 50 - no more nail biting
Hypnosis vol 51 - PTSD and anxiety free
Hypnosis vol 52 - loss, grief and depression
Hypnosis vol 55 - healthy eating
Hypnosis vol 56 - breaking addictions and bad habits
Hypnosis vol 57 ,love, harmony and peace
Hypnosis volume 10 personal life motivation
Hypnosis volume 19- ultimate meditation
Hypnosis volume 28- ultimate cyclist
Hypnosis volume one-weight loss and appetite control
In touch
Indian head massage
Innovatives in pilates and posture and flexibility
Integrative earth massage
Integrative fire massage
Integrative spirit massage
Introduction to acupressure
It's baby time! Infant massage
Lymphatic drainage massage
Mastering chair massage
Mastering pregnancy massage
Mastering thai massage
Meditation for self healing and inner power
Men's facial tachniques
Microdermabrasion: The professionals guide
Music for mother and child
Parrafin treatments: face and décoletté
Past life regression with the angels
Pilates TV- The DVD for switched on living
Private collection
Professional bridal make up DVD
Professional facial techniques for sun damaged and dehydrated skin
Professional make up for caucasian women
Professional pedicure techniques
QL flow yoga-presence through movement
Rainforest sanctuary
Raising your vibrations above :guilt
Raising your vibrations above: anger
Raising your vibrations above:jealousy
Raising your vibrations above:judgement
Reflexology for the feet and hands
Restoritive yoga practice
Seashore sunrise
Self hypnosis CD- Body sculting
Self hypnosis CD- hypnosis birthing
Self hypnosis CD: A journey into wisdom- menopause
Shamanic healing
Skin analysis and extraction
Spirit guide through hypnosis
Spiritual progress through regression
Sports massage
Streams and waterfalls
Stress management the key to heal
Stress relief
Success pack- empower your life
Summer rain
Surf,beach and shoreline
The art of men's waxing
The chakras
The complete guide to canine myofascial massage/release
The perfect spa manicure
The reiki touch
The secret
The ultimate face,scalp, neck and shoulder massage
The ultimate ultrasonic facial
Therapeutic massage
Threading the ancient art of hair removal
Under southern skies
Well being- Reiki,music for effortless relaxation
Well being-T'ai chi,music for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-gentle insporations-music for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-inner peace,music for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-music for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-music for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-perfect calm for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-sunday morning-music for effortless relaxation
Wellbeing-yoga-music for effortless relaxation
Wet body treatments:hydrotherapy tub
Wet body treatments:steam and vichy shower capsules
What is meditation?
Woman spirit hypnosis series,wise woman
Woman spirit hypnosis series,wonder woman
Woman spirit hypnosis series:warrior woman
Woman spirit hypnosis series:wizard woman
Yoga for pregnancy and birth
Yoga gentle practice
Yoga therapy for back pain
Yoga TV:Anti aging-staying young
Yoga-gentle vinyasa flow
Yoga-savasana meditation
Yoga: spirit of vinyasa flow
Yoga:baby bliss
Training Courses
Total : (115)
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Employee Assistance Programmes
Advanced Aromatherapy
Advanced Ayurveda
Advanced Counselling
Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner
Advanced Life Coach
Advanced Psychotherapy
Advanced Stress Management and Consulting
Alcohol and other Drug Rehabilitation
Alcohol and Other Drug Counselling
Anatomy & Physiology
Animal Energy Therapy
Aromatherapeutic Dreaming
Baby Massage and Mother Care
Beauty Salon Management
Beauty Therapist
Biochemical Tissue Salts
Chi Kung (Qi Gong)
Child Development and Creative Play
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Health Care
Clinical Herbalism
Clinical Nutrition Consultant
Colour Reflexology
Colour Therapy
Corporate and Professional Stress Management
Counselling Children and Adolescents
Crystal Healing Practitioner
Curative Hypnotherapy
Diet and Nutrition
Dysfunchtional Family Counselling
Eating Disorders
Event management
Exercise physiology
Feng shui
Feng shui for Australians
Flower essence practitioner
Flower essences
Food and environmental allergies
Footcare therapist (non surgical)
Foundation homeopathy
Gestalt therapy
Grief and bereavement counselling
Hand reflexology
Healing through narrative
Holistic back practitioner
Holistic beauty therapy
Holistic health therapist
Holistic interior design
Holistic iridology
Holistic metaphysical healer
Hypnosis regression therapy
Hypnotherapy ( professional)
Indian head massage
Inner woman development counselling
Introduction to naturopathy
Intuitive / spiritual healer
Life coaching
Life skills counselling
Macrobiotic health
Magic herbalism
Magnet therapy
Manicure and pedicure
Marma point therapy
Massage for special needs
Master herbalist
Medicinal herbs
Mental health counselling
Meridian healing techniques
Meridian psychotherapist
Mind body healing (intrafocal healing)
Neuro linguistic programming
Neuro Psychological immunity
Oriental remedial therapist
Peak performance coaching
Personal fitness trainer
Personal relationship counselling
Primal therapy
Pro-femme practitioner
Professional make up
Professional stress consultant
Rainbow spirit healer
Relaxation therapy
Risk Management
Rogerian therapy
Self esteem
Self hypnosis
social relationship counselling
Sports and remedial massage
Sports electrotherapy
Sports injuries
Sports nutrition
Sports psychology
Sports therapy
Thought transference
Transactional analysis
Vegetarian and vegan nutrition consultant
Vibrational medicine
Vitamins and mineral awareness
Weight management consultant
White witchcraft and WICCA
Yoga (intermediate)
Yoga and meditation (introduction)
Yoga teacher
(Total : 2)
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How Does Colour Therapy Work?
How to Treat Asthma with Aromatherapy