To really get to the root of issues, we often look to the thoughts that are generating the symptoms. In NLP we understand that our mind is incredibly powerful and can be used to help us or indeed hinder us.
NLP for Health provides very powerful and speedy methods to locate and treat the source of issues.
The treatment is conversational and clients are fully conscious throughout. Many cl view more >
Tallgrass offers learning tools and training programs worldwide in equine, canine and feline acupressure. Animal acupressure is safe, always available, gentle and deceptively powerful. Everyone can provide their animals with optimal health. view more >
‘Transform your life through colour therapy’
Established by June McLeod the UK’s leading colour expert, Colours of the Soul offer practical, fun, inspirational and empowering courses held throughout the UK, The Republic of Ireland & Europe. The best selling book 'Colours of the Soul' by June McLeod is essential reading for both the workshops and courses - the book and other colour therapy view more >
PROVIDING HOPE - CHANGING LIVESPHILOSOPHY OF TREATMENT AND CARE:Heritage is a non-profit, long-term, free-standing residential treatment program located on a 19 acre campus at the base of the Wasatch Mountains in Provo, Utah. "Heritage approaches the treatment and care of adolescents from the point of view that the most crucial issues for them are safety, relationships, and the development of view more >
Rapid Eye Technology is a revolutionary natural breakthrough in simulating the REM sleep in a awake state. This is the bodies natural way of releasing stress and trauma. The Rapid Eye Institute is a private career school licensed by the Oregon Department of Higher Education. Get a new career or add powerful tools to an existing one. Learn how to quickly and effectively release stressfu,l emotional view more >
The Natural Face lift Massage is a gentle invasive approach to looking younger. Indian Face Massage (Facial rejuvenation) is a natural facelift through massage. It is designed to be a gentle non-invasive approach to looking younger. Our Training Courses aim to provide a comprehensive grounding in the theoretical basis and practical application of the Facial Rejuvenation (Natural Facelift), so that view more >
Cleanse, Replenish, Revitalize, Lose Weight & Live HealthierImagine... A Slimmer and Healthier Body, Energy and Stamina, Beautiful Hair and Youthful Skin, & Experience a heightened level of Focus and Concentration!It's all possible... let the Isagenix™ Gentle Body Cleansing and Fat Burning System turn your life around immediately. Cleanse your body and finally achieve your health view more >
The Academy of Lymphatic Studies (ACOLS) conducts Certification Courses in MLD/CDT, Lymphedema Management Seminars, Certification in Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder Techniques) Courses, as well as Advanced Courses in Lymphedema and Wound Management. ACOLS provides these courses throughout the year in the United States. Many of these courses are held in Universities, Outpatient Rehabilitation Facilit view more >
Indian Head Massage is guaranteed to lift you out of the hustle and bustle of everyday stressful living. The techniques used are based on the ancient Ayurvedic Healing System. Indian Head Massage has been practised in India for over a thousand years. It was originally used by women who found it helped to keep their long hair thick, healthy and in beautiful condition. These simple techniques (anyon view more >
The Journey is a globally recognized and critically acclaimed healing and transformational process to awaken you to your true potential. To date, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have experienced this simple, yet powerful step-by-step process overcoming a wide variety of challenges from physical ailments to emotional trauma or shut down, in relationship problems and career performance iss view more >
Tallgrass offers learning tools and training programs worldwide in equine, canine and feline acupressure. Animal acupressure is safe, always available, gentle and deceptively powerful. Everyone can provide their animals with optimal health. view more >
Life Alignment is an integrated system of vibrational healing that facilitates the release of energetic and emotional blockages that are encoded in our cellular memory. It assists in the experience of empowerment and awareness. This interactive technique is conducted in a non-invasive and safe way,
helping people to shift into higher dimensions of consciousness.
All aspects of life experiences view more >