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Allergy Therapy is the process whereby a trained therapist will work with you to determine the root cause of your symptoms and provide you with a recommended personal plan to restore your body to full health. Allopathic medicine can, and does, alleviate symptoms. But some conditions can be eradicated entirely by removing the identified allergen from the diet, surroundings or lifestyle. Your Allergy Therapist will help you identify these and support you as you take charge of your health

An allergy occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to a substance that is normally harmless. Allergic reaction symptoms vary significantly. Some can be easily mistaken for a cold, e.g. runny nose, cough, chest congestion; others for food poisoning or a bug, e.g. stomach cramping, diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting. Then there are some that can be attributed to many other illness, e.g. fatigue, stiff and painful joints, lethargy, depression, over or under weight, repeated ear infections in children, bloating or discomfort after food, poor concentration, to name a few.

During an Allergy Therapy session your Therapist will discuss your health history with you. You will be asked if your parents had allergies. Did you know that if both of your parents had allergies, you will be 50-73% likely to have allergies too, but not necessarily the same ones? You will be asked about your diet and lifestyle. How much stress do you have in your life? Prolonged stress will weaken your immune system. Is your diet healthy? Is it balanced? When did your symptoms occur? Do you see any possible allergen link? Have you completed your food diary? Are there any observable reactions? You will then be tested for possible allergens using the muscle method of testing. Your Therapist may also us a machine to test for allergens provided you have no skin condition and are not currently taking medication. This will eliminate many possible culprits and identify others. You now have a ‘safe’ list and an ‘avoid’ list.

If it is a food item that is identified as an allergen, it must be eliminated from your diet immediately and completely. This item is making you sick. It may be your absolute favourite food choice; and it often is. So - the choice is yours!

By Geraldine Donnellan S.N.H.S. Dip (Allergy Testing, Hypnotherapy, NLP)
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Geraldine is a person of many careers: trained in Accountancy Primary Teacher ICT Network Manager and Trainer NLP Business and Personal Consultant Reiki and Acupressure Practitioner Hypnotherapist Colour Therapist and Writer.
She is currently studying Allergy Testing and is the founder of the new Right Let's Write Shanghai Writers Group. She has worked in countries in Europe Asia and Africa and currently lives in Shanghai China

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