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Colour Therapy for Animals
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Colour is a form of energy since it is simply light at varying wavelengths. Each colour has its own particular wavelength. This energy is absorbed via the magnetic energy field, which surrounds all living things; the skin and the eyes.

Colour energy is absorbed via the electromagnetic field or aura, the skin, and the eyes. Most animals see colour quite differently to humans, but, due to their sensory system, they pick up the different energies/wavelengths/vibrations around them.  

Similarly, someone who cannot see can very often tell you what colour is in front of them by their ability to pick up the different energies of colours. So with animals – they will respond to the energy of the colour rather than necessarily how they see it.  For example – the red rag to a bull adage. Bulls do respond to red as this colour stimulates the blood flow and adrenalin release and can prompt fear and/or aggression. Fear is more often demonstrated by aggression in animals – their fight or flight reactions are, perhaps, a little less complex than humans'.

Colour effects all living things on all levels, that is to say, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, whether we like a colour or loathe it, whether we can see it or not, whether we are even consciously aware of it, or whether we are human or non-human animals.  This is the Universal effect of colour vibrations.

Light has a profound effect on all living cells since every cell is light sensitive and also gives off its own light vibration. The cells of the skin act as light filters and allow light of all frequencies to pass to the tissues and cells through the body, which of course includes the organs and glands.

Chemical reactions occur within the cells which facilitate the cells' functions, i.e. growth, hormone release and the "normal" functioning of each cell. For example, day and night / light and dark trigger release of different hormones relating to the body clock and, if left to nature, we would sleep when it is dark and be active when day light comes. Some animals are nocturnal but they still rely on this natural 'light switch' for running their lives. However, when an animal has been domesticated the artificial lighting in more modern times has confused this simple reaction somewhat.

All living things need light to develop and many studies have been done with both humans and animals to ascertain the effects of light deprivation. One can see for oneself, very easily at home, how a plant, for example, will not thrive if deprived of sunlight for too long. So be sure you and your animals are getting sufficient daylight and fresh air.

It is important to note that, since green light is needed by the hypothalamus to balance the metabolism and the functioning of the glands in the body, all animals need contact with the outside world for the green grass and pure daylight - so do humans.

Animals have energy centres/chakras the same as we do and, in fact, their chakras are similarly situated – given that the majority of them are more horizontal than humans, their energy centres/chakras are in very similar places. Animals do have another chakra, which is situated over the top of the shoulder, which is called the brachial chakra. This chakra is also sometimes called the 'key chakra' since it is a powerful one and can give access to all the other chakras.

Most animals have a dispersed energetic system, unlike adult humans. Human babies have a more dispersed energy system as their senses are still connected, however, as we become adult, the senses are channelled in a more organised way and messages from each sense organ become separated. Thus our rational, human adult mind influences and sorts through the stimuli it receives from outside and assesses which vibrations to respond to and which we can ignore.

However, animals receive energy from many different sources simultaneously and do not have this 'brain filtering system'. This results in dispersed energy and their reacting to and being aware of changes in atmospheric conditions, in a different way to humans. Instead of the energy being passed through the brain in an orderly fashion through the chakras, animals receive and give out energy through individual chakras and this makes them very sensitive to subtle vibrational and atmospheric changes. As an example, some animals become stressed before a thunderstorm as they are able to pick up many types of vibrations in the air apart from electro-magnetic vibrations. It is this acute sensory system in animals which makes them so responsive to colour therapy/colour energies.

When a thunderstorm is imminent an animal may become very upset and hide or shake or pace around in a very agitated state. This is because they are sensitive to electrical vibrations. The air is charged with positive ions just before a storm and they will be picking up this energy.  Humans too can be affected by this energy and can be inclined to be more aggressive or impatient during this time. Once the rain starts, negative ions are released in to the atmosphere and the positive electrical energy is dispersed.

I have found that animals respond very well to Colour Healing. It is quite common for them to doze off whilst being treated. They seem to really enjoy the healing. One of my feline patients was so tuned in to our healing sessions that once his session was complete, he needed a great deal of persuasion to move. His human carer often threatened to leave him behind due to his reluctance to leave my therapy room!

In therapy, colour is given in many different ways including the following:
  • Coloured light using a number of different light instruments which includes light boxes and crystal tipped torches.
  • Coloured silks which are laid on the body (not always so appropriate for animals, but pure cotton can be used here instead).
  • Solarized water which is pure mineral water which has been energized with the individual colours (the water can be used to bathe areas of the skin or given in the drinking water so that it is taken in periodically throughout the day).
  • Via the hands of the practitioner who will direct the colour required in a similar way to 'hands on healing'.
  • Appropriate coloured bedding/collars/saddle blankets etc.
  • Noting appropriate colours in the animal's environment.
It is also worth noting that as an animal picks up on its human's vibrations, therefore, therapists really need to be aware of treating the animal and its human family. Animals are very sensitive to emotional and thought patterns so they will be affected by any negative energies which we are holding. They respond to peaceful, calm and tranquil thoughts and the energies which emanate from us and the love we give. Animals sense "where we are coming from" and they will be drawn to someone who is giving out love, peace and harmony.

Our thoughts are a form of energy and spread electrical impulses around us in much the same way as a stone dropped in a pond creates ripples on the water. Therefore, our thoughts, and their energies, have an effect on everything around us.


For Animals:
  • An orange or golden coloured blanket in the animal's bed will help to keep them warm. (Red can be upsetting for animals.) 
  • Pink is a good colour for bedding etc. for a very young animal which has recently been taken from its mother. It is comforting and nurturing.
  • Blue water bowls keep their drinking water cool and fresh in warm weather.
  • Violet is good for discouraging fleas. It will not harm the fleas but, since they do not like the violet energy, it will dissuade them from breeding. If your animal wears a flea collar, try to get one in violet colour to add to its effectiveness.
    ©Valerie Logan-Clarke 2006

By Valerie Logan-Clarke FMCI, ITEC Anaotmy&Physiology,Dip.Iris(Colour Healing for Animals
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Valerie Logan-Clarke FMCI, ITEC Anaotmy&Physiology,Dip.Iris(Colour Healing for Animals


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