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Troubled By Head Lice Coconut Oil May Help You
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Are you still using permethrin lotion to solve your child’s head lice infestation?

Head lice infestation is a common dilemma that plagues many children. Parents often become desperate when looking for ways to treat this problem. But the good news is that there may be a successful, natural remedy you can try: virgin coconut oil.

What Causes Head Lice?

Head lice infestation starts with a small, wingless, parasitic insect called Pediculis humanus capitis. This insect has three pairs of legs found directly behind its head. The legs have claws that are made for feeding and for tightly holding onto hair or clothing.

Head lice feed at least five times a day. They use their sharp claws to pierce the scalp, sucking the blood that comes out while transferring their irritating saliva onto the skin. The ingestion of blood turns them into a rust color, but they do not become engorged.

The female louse lays at least six eggs, called nits, daily. The nits become mature in 18 days, firmly cementing themselves at the base of the hair shaft, near the skin, enabling them to stay warm. This makes them difficult to remove.

Head lice are contracted through close contact (such as head-to-head) with a person with an active infestation. Contact with the clothes, comb, hat, and other personal items of the person with the infestation may also put you at risk. Usually, head lice infestation plagues pre-school and elementary school children. Girls are more prone to this problem than boys.

Coconut Oil May End Head Lice Infestation

A study published in the European Journal of Pediatrics detailed the positive benefits of coconut oil on head lice infestation. The researchers compared the results of a coconut oil and anise spray with the commonly prescribed permethrin lotion on 100 participants with active head louse infestation.

In the end, the researchers concluded that the coconut and anise spray may be a significantly more effective alternative treatment. They also noted that the alcohol in permethrin lotion may cause irritation on excoriated skin.

Another method that may help you get rid of head lice is using a vinegar and coconut oil soak. Here’s what you can do. First, soak your hair in vinegar and leave it in to dry. Don’t rinse it out. Next, get some virgin coconut oil and thoroughly coat your hair with it. Cover your hair with a shower cap. The next morning, you will be able to comb out the nits.

The benefits of coconut oil for hair and skin are now widely recognized in the health community. It’s amazing to know that it can also treat head lice. Try this simple homemade remedy today!

By Joanne Dixon
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: A housewife and part-time blogger. A former daycare teacher she has always found head lice infestation annoying and alarming. When her own daughter became infested with head lice and developed painful irritation to permethrin lotion she turned to natural remedies like coconut oil and vinegar oil to help get rid of the problem.

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Troubled By Head Lice? Coconut Oil May Help You

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