
IBS Audio Program 100 on CD or MP3

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A self help home use hypnosis audio program specifically designed for Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS sufferers. Contains 3 CDs, listening schedule, progress log, FAQ plus bonus CD 'IBS Companion'. This program is currently used in 39 countries. We have been helping IBS sufferers and partners with proven methods and understanding of this most distressing of condition since 1998

The IBS Audio Program 100 is a proven IBS hypnosis audio program from managing and treatment of ibs. Helping with the physical and emotional symptoms and including stress and anxiety well known to Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS sufferers. Medical science still does not know what causes, IBS, but it has been shown through medical clinical research that hypnosis can help.

Since 1998 this IBS Audio Program has been providing an informative and effective method of managing and mitigating the emotioanal and physical aspects of this most distressing condition. with multiple CDs or on mp3 download format the IBS audio program 100® has proven helpful to thousands of users, often when other IBS treatment options have failed.

Diahorrea, constipation and alternation of bowel habit, IBS pain and many other symptoms both physical and emotional are addressed. When you have tried everything else, try this, many have and were pleased with the results. 

This comment from one user about the accompanying free CD 'IBS Companion'

"Emotional Support Unfortunately not all family members and friends have been supportive, but I try to surround myself with those who do provide positive support and understanding. One of the hardest parts of having IBS, is that it is embarrassing to explain. I have rated the effectiveness of using clinical hypnotherapy with the IBS Audio Program 100 and included in that program is a 20 minute CD recording called the IBS Companion. When I first heard this, I cried, because the author, Michael Mahoney, was able to explain in plain terms to people who don't have IBS, the embarrassing things about the condition, the medical tests we have to endure, etc. He really is able to relate what it is like to have this condition, and how the IBS patient needs understanding, love and support, rather than intolerance, etc. It was one of the best things I could do in terms of explaining just what it is like to have IBS, and it helped out a lot. This is one way to get positive emotional support from others, when they hear the explanation of your condition from a professional, I think it carries more weight, and helps to keep things in perspective for the long term."


Available from

Healthy Audio Limited


£59.25 Download



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