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9 Reasons Why You Still Struggle With Acne
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You use two special cleansers, anti-inflammatory masks, and night creams but this does not help and every morning you see a new red spot on the cheek. This is insulting and unpleasant as so much money and time wasted. Your current care may not be exactly what your face needs and could be actually making things worse. Here are a few reasons why you’re still struggling with acne and losing:

1. You Don’t Notice That You Are Taking Steroids

If you eat and drink the same thing every day for breakfast, it can greatly affect your body. Protein shakes and bars contain traces of steroids what is not mentioned on the labels. A little change in your diet, more organic food, and you will notice a difference in your skin condition.

2. You’re Overdoing Your Skin Care

Even if it seems to you that multi-step care is the best solution for getting rid of acne, it can be a fatal mistake. Too many different remedies irritate and dry your skin. If you use exfoliating and cleaning means too often then you remove the surface oil, but not the sebum in the follicle. Cosmetologists recommend using peels and scrubs no more than once a week.

3. Your Makeup Brushes Are Dirty

When was the last time you washed your makeup brushes? Not just wiping with a cotton pad but thoroughly rinsing in warm water and cleanser. Bacteria accumulate on the brushes and this leads to the development of acne. To prevent the appearance of all these microbes on your face, rinse brushes at least once a week.

4. Internal Inflammation

Not all the causes of acne are external. Sometimes this is a sign of internal inflammation. Try to reduce the number of foods that increase inflammation such as sugar and add healthy foods like green vegetables, nuts, blueberries, and oranges. The difference will be obvious.

5. Your Makeup Doesn't Suit You

If you apply full make-up every day, maybe you should update the brands that you use. Foundation can contain a long list of ingredients with harmful chemicals, dyes, preservatives, and fragrances. The non-mineral formulas are very liquid and more easily absorbed into the skin, cloging pores and aggravating acne. Try mineral makeup which is designed to stay on the surface of the skin, creating a natural protective barrier.

6. Your Phone Is to Blame

Scientists say that our phones have more than 25 thousand microbes and bacteria per square centimeter. We touch door handles, money, handrails in public transport and from the hand, all these bacteria get transferred to your phone. When the phone contacts the cheek, all the bacteria get into the pores of the skin, which leads to inflammation. Use antibacterial wipes before you start talking on the phone and this will significantly reduce the appearance of acne.

7. You Constantly Touch Your Face

A new pimple most often appears due to mechanical damage. Maybe you constantly rest your head in your hands while sitting or maybe you just need to change the pillowcase more often. The less of such factors in your life, the lower the risk of inflammation.

8. Too Much Stress

Even the best skin care remedies don’t work if you suffer from severe stress. This obvious but often ignored problem leads to many skin imperfections. Learn to regulate stress, walk more often if you feel depressed and your skin will reward you.

9. Hair Products Get on the Skin

If you use oils, foams and sprays for styling then be careful as the ingredients in hair products can be really dangerous for your skin. This can be especially noticeable if you have constant irritation on the cheeks and in the forehead.

By Amelia Grant
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Amelia Grant


Biography: I am Amelia Grant journalist and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better. That is why I feel a strong intention to share useful and important things about health self-care wellness and other advice that may be helpful for people. Being an enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle that keeps improving my life I wish the same for everyone.

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