General Health Articles |
Ayurveda in Brief
Ayurveda is the Asian medical system which has its beginning in the fifth century BC, and thrives even to the present day in many parts of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet.
India- The next destination for the Health Traveller
Medical tourism is a term coined which covers patients travelling across the globe for tourism purposes clubbing their requirements for treatment of acute illness, elective surgeries such as cardiology, hip replacement, knee replacement,etc.
Alternative Medicine – How is it different from Conventional Medicines?
Alternative Medicine involves practices that are used as a replacement for conventional medicines. When Alternative Medicine is used in combination with conventional medicine it is known as Complementary Medicine.
Heart Disease
Heart DiseaseMillions of people die each year from heart disease worldwide. These include diseases such as Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction), Cardiac Arrest to name a couple.
The Chi Machine
If you are looking for a way to detox your body while you relax, the Chi Machine may be what you're looking for. As you lie back and relax, you rest your feet on the Chi Machine and it gently swings them back and forth, just as if you are a fish in motion.
Early stage renal failure is a final common path way for a number of disease processes and associated with significant morbidity and mortality.
Prostate cancer and homeopathy treatment.Prostate cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that results in the formation of a tumor in the prostate gland.
DefinitionAutism s a complex developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, although it is sometimes diagnosed much later.
Ayurveda In Practice
It is amazing how Prakruti (nature) has made each of us so unique! Fingerprints, eye images, foot prints and even our DNA are so unique that people can be identified on the basis of many such codes that nature has designed.
Zachary Lingh
Ayurveda encompasses all types of healing. Almost every health problem in the world can be removed from the body and the body brought back to health with the help of Ayurvedic treatments.
Ayurveda in a Nutshell
Ayurveda in a NutshellThe word Ayurveda can be translated as the Science of Life, or eventhe Art of Living. Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of naturalhealth care, originating in the ancient traditions of India.
How To Keep Diabetes Under Check
Diabetes is one of the most dreaded and feared diseases. It is one of the few diseases for which there is still no permanent cure plus it leads to other health problems like blindness, loss of sexual powers, gangrene and other grave problems.
How To Enhance Size Of Breast
Men are generally attracted to women having big and healthy breasts. That is why women who have small breasts size tend to suffer from low self confidence and resort to different methods to enhance their breast size.
What Is The Best Way To Use Vaginal Tightening Creams
As we age there are lots of physical changes that take place in our body. In women a very big problem is the loss of vagina firmness due to increasing age or childbirth.
Ways To Enhance The Size Of Breasts Naturally
Many women have been resorting to breast augmentation surgery in the recent past. Although it is a sure way of enhancing your breasts but it carries high chances of side effects like ruptured implants, infections and other complications and the silicones have a life of maximum ten years after which they are damaged.
How Do Vagina Tightening Creams Work
Women generally loose their vaginal firmness due to childbirth or aging. After they loose the firmness in their vagina women generally tend to suffer from problems such as low libido, incontinence in some cases and lack of interest in sex which can also create problems in a relationship.
Do Tightening Creams Really Work
The use of vagina tightening creams for tightening a vagina which has lost its firmness due to aging or child birth is becoming very popular mainly due to the absence of any side effects and their quick result showing properties.
Is Using Vagina Tightening Creams Safe?
Vagina tightening creams have been gaining in immense popularity amongst women who have lost vaginal firmness due to aging or childbirth. In this article let us find out more about these creams and ascertain are they really a great alternative to vagina tightening surgery.
Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd
What comes first in your mind when you think of bitter gourd, obviously, its strong and bitter taste? Although this vegetable tastes bitter it has high nutritional values and health benefits.
Swine Flu Treatment with Ayurvedic Medicines
Swine flu is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus. The main symptoms associated with Swine flu includes flu like symptoms such as Fever, chills, cold, cough, body aches, sore throat etc.
Herbal / Alternative Medicine treatment for Obesity - Totally natural and safe
Causes of overweight include overeating, excessive eating of heavy or cold things, and oversleeping and lack of exercise. Other causes include hormone imbalance, emotional sentimentality, clinging, loss of love or low self-worth, insecurity, and poor digestion.
Creating Paradise Within: Better Health through Ayurvedic Rejuvenation
Since humans first roamed the earth there have been oral and written stories of the quest to find the elixir of life--the Fountain of Youth. The Western biblical tradition tells of a Golden Age when people lived hundreds of years.
Ayureda Help to Battle Stress
You ever know about Ayurveda? It is the traditional Indian medical science. Ayurveda says that the food we eat has a critical role in how the mind and body work.
Purpure Idiopathic thrombocytopenic (ITP) is the condition of having a low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) of no known cause (idiopathic). As most causes appear to be related to antibodies against platelets, it is also known as immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
Synchronized Circadian Rhythms: Nature’s Cancer Fighter
Timing is everything. Time is of the essence. Perfect timing. Humanity’s captivation by temporal reality goes much deeper than the unifying framework of schedules, calendars, rituals and histories –it goes straight to our DNA.
Azoospermia homeopathy treatment or Oligospermia homeopathy treatment
Azoospermia or oligospermia Homeopathy Treatment.
Azoospermia or Nil Sperm Or Zero sperm count Homeopathy Treatment.
Azoospermia or nil sperm count is a condition that only occurs to men.
OCD Homeopathic treatment OR OCD Treatment
Symptoms of OCD -
Intrusive thought about wellbeing of loved one which makes the person anxious.
The person has excessive fear about being contaminated by germs, dirt, etc.
Infertility homeopathy treatment and herble remedy
What are the indications for male infertility ?
Statistics show that in at least 40% of infertile couples, there is a male factor contributing to the problem.
The 5 Most Popular And Commonly Used Herbs
Herbs have been our life saviors since time immortal and even in today's modern world more than 50% of the people are still dependent on alternative form of medicine.
How to Use CBD Oils
There’s no doubt that there is a shift in perception and knowledge happening around cannabis and CBD. The supply and demand of this treasure is growing- CBD based products are overflowing the market more and more each day.
Are There Any Health Benefits To Drinking Mushroom Coffee?
It's possible that the idea of mushroom coffee isn't very appealing. However, this fashionable beverage is not quite as strange as it may seem to you.
What is ? |
What is Ayurveda?
Directly translated means 'The Science of Life' It's one of the oldest forms of healing the world has known with its origins dating back five thousand years, yet is still relatively unknown in the UK.
What is Polarity Therapy to me?
What is Polarity Therapy - to me? In practicing as a Registered Polarity Therapist in the UK I am often asked what a Polarity therapist does and what the system of therapy is.
About Ayurveda
Similar to traditional Chinese medicine, both were developed about 3000 years ago. Ayurveda is based on the principle that the universe is made up of the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth.
What is Abhyanga Massage Therapy?
Abhyanga or sometimes referred to as Snehana, means Oleation which is oiling up. This is a full body massage which is usually done on a daily basis.
Massage Training Course
In response to the increasing number of requests we receive each year from Five Star Hotels / Spas / Health Clubs who wish to recruit authentic Spa Technicians, we at DKA have created an Spa Massage Training Program meant to teach the various massage therapies.
Understanding the Curative Powers of Nigella Sativa
Although Nigella sativa is unfamiliar to most Western consumers, this ancient herb has been highly revered for its medicinal qualities by Chinese, Ayurvedic, and Unani (Arabian/Islamic) medical practitioners for some 4000 years, and considered one of nature's most powerful curative by Muslims.
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