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Hair loss Causes and Treatment for hair loss
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Causes and Treatment for hair loss

The common type of hair loss called hereditary hair loss can affect both men and women, but women are generally less affected than men. The condition is so common that it can almost be considered as a part of the normal aging process.

Symptoms of hair loss:
The pattern of hair loss and baldness are different for men and women. On men special areas on the head begin get totally bald. These areas are usually on both sides of the front, rear and top of head. Hair loss then progresses to the extent of these areas, and finally, most of the head can be completely hairless. However, a large area in the neck uses to remain unaffected and keeps a thick hair cover. The same is generally true about the area in front of each ear.

In all women the hair on the head starts thinning and then gradually throughout the head for many years. Women seldom get totally bald areas on your head, but often the hair is so thin that the scalp is clearly visible through the hair.

Causes of hair loss:
The skin has there layers: The outer layer, called epidermis, consists of epithelial cells. Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue. Basically, there is a layer called the hypodermis consisting mainly of fat cells.

The skin has narrow pores, hair follicles, extending from the surface to the top of the sub-dermis, called follicles. A hair extend from a growth in the bottom of each hair follicle and out to the skin surface

Through the common form of hair loss, a substance in the body, dihydroxy-testosterone (DHT), gives a signal to the cells of hair follicles that make these cells divide less so that the production of hair slows or stops.

DHT is a metabolic product of testosterone, the male xxx hormone. Also women have some amount of testosterone and DHT in your body and therefore hair loss also affects women.

Only cells that are sensitive to the influence of DHT will slow the growth process. This vulnerability is inherited from parents by some individuals and not the other. Follicle cells in the bottom of the head are usually also resistant against the influence of DHT and therefore these areas seldom get bald.

The effectiveness of hair growth will not only be affected by DHT. Other substances found in the tissue cells can divide more signals, and nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids can make the growth process more efficient. Certain substances present in the tissue may also block the DHT or ease the removal of this substance. Thus, all susceptible to the influence of DHT will not lose hair in the same measure.

Treatment for hair loss:
Having a good diet giving the body vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the right amount may slow down hair loss.

Swami Ramdev Medicine, Divya Kesh Tail and Herbal products available in the market can help against hair loss and its symptoms, it really very effective. The remedies used to treat prostate hypertrophy also have been proven to stop hair loss and hair for recovering. Divya Kesh Tail is like nectar for your hair; it cures untimely hair fall, dandruff, alopecia, premature graying of hair, etc. By applying this oil, hair becomes healthy & luxurious.

There are many natural products on the market to help against hair loss. These products often contain several substances working together by several principles.

They may contain vitamins or minerals that are needed for hair growth. Other substances give signals to the hair follicles to increase hair growth. Some ingredients work as anti-oxidants that inhibit oxidative attack on the follicle cells.

Some natural products also contain substances to block DHT. Still other ingredients can reduce the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Green tea extract shown to contain substances with this effect.

Surgery is an effective treatment against baldness in limited areas. Follicles surgery parts of the scull immune to DHT are moved to areas bold. The hair, however, not be treated as areas get tight as naturally growing hair.

It is also possible to implant artificial hair into the scalp. By this method, large bald areas can be covered, but the treatment implies a risk for infection requires good hair hygiene and then requires a regular refill to replace lost hair.

Are you suffering from hair fall, dandruff, premature graying of hair?? It can treat naturally! Divya kesh tail cures hair fall, dandruff, premature graying of hair, strengthens eyes, brain & cure head-diseases. With the right natural treatment for hair loss you can easily get rid of your hair problem.

By adrianna smith
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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