
Health News - Allergy

Looking for Reliable Hay Fever Advice? It's Probably Not on YouTube
Title: Looking for Reliable Hay Fever Advice? It's Probably Not on YouTube
Category: Health News
Created: 8/16/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/16/2022 (Medicine Net)

Title: pseudoephedrine
Category: Medications
Created: 8/9/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 8/9/2022 (Medicine Net)

Prehistoric People Drank Animal Milk, Despite Lactose Intolerance
Title: Prehistoric People Drank Animal Milk, Despite Lactose Intolerance
Category: Health News
Created: 7/27/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/28/2022 (Medicine Net)

Sinus Headache
Title: Sinus Headache
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 1/11/2010 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/27/2022 (Medicine Net)

Health Care Plans Keep Allergy Rescue Injectors Pricey for Some
Title: Health Care Plans Keep Allergy Rescue Injectors Pricey for Some
Category: Health News
Created: 7/15/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/15/2022 (Medicine Net)

The 8 Most Common Food Allergies
Title: The 8 Most Common Food Allergies
Category: Health and Living
Created: 7/13/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/13/2022 (Medicine Net)

Salicylate Sensitivity Causes, Symptoms, and Foods to Avoid
Title: Salicylate Sensitivity Causes, Symptoms, and Foods to Avoid
Category: Health and Living
Created: 7/8/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/8/2022 (Medicine Net)

Stay Independent of Asthma, Allergies This July 4th
Title: Stay Independent of Asthma, Allergies This July 4th
Category: Health News
Created: 7/1/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/1/2022 (Medicine Net)

Picture of Nickel Contact Dermatitis from Necklace
Title: Picture of Nickel Contact Dermatitis from Necklace
Category: Images
Created: 2/22/2010 3:21:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 6/28/2022 (Medicine Net)

Picture of Phototoxic Dermatitides
Title: Picture of Phototoxic Dermatitides
Category: Images
Created: 2/23/2010 2:33:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 6/28/2022 (Medicine Net)

Picture of Nickel Contact Dermatitis
Title: Picture of Nickel Contact Dermatitis
Category: Images
Created: 2/22/2010 3:07:00 PM
Last Editorial Review: 6/23/2022 (Medicine Net)

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