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The THREE KEY words for parents:

1. consistency
2. Structure
3. discipline

A family that has these three behaviors in place creates an enviroment that helps to produce: quality of life for parents, boundaries that allow children to understand better their identity and a less stressful relationship between parents. All in all a major plus for the whole family.

By: Tracy G. Epstein MS NCC LPC - Tucson, usa
Osteoporosis is affecting millions, men and women.

Osteoporosis – Some do’s and don’ts regarding bone loss.

Some factors that Increase bone loss are:

1. Lack of weigh-bearing exercise.

2. Not enough vitamin D. This also contributes to breast, prostate, colon cancer and chronic muscle aches and pains. Over 1/2 the females and 1/3 the males in the USA have a deficiency in vitamin D.

Lack of sunshine and the inability to properly digest fats, all contribute to this problem.

Get into the sun for at least 2 or 3 times weekly for at least 15 or 20 minutes each. More if you can. People with RA suffer more and have their worst bouts in the winter if they live in the north, due to the lack of sunshine.

3. The increase use of carbonated cola drinks is associated with an increase in bone fractures and osteoporosis. (J. Adolescent Health 94;15;210-215)

A 12 oz cola has about 36 milligrams of phosphoric acid. This acid interferes with the metabolism of calcium. It also binds and removes certain minerals from your body. For every 36 milligrams of phosphoric acid extracts 36 milligrams magnesium. And you definitely need magnesium. Especially if you are over 55.

4. Drinking more than 2 cups of coffee or 5 cups of tea will leach calcium from your bones. If you exceed these amounts, make sure you’re taking additional calcium through supplement. (Am, J, Clin. Nutr. Oct 94;573-578)

5. Lack of fresh foods in your diet. Eat at least 75% of your daily food raw. After a month of this you will be writing me about how well you feel. If you suffer from constipation you will be whooping with joy.

By: Margie Garrison - Largo, United States
You should laugh 8 times a day.

By: Kimberley - Manchester, United Kingdom
Guidelines & Safety for Aromatherapy

1. Keep bottles of essential oils tightly closed and store them in a cool location away from light. If stored properly, essential oils will maintain their potency for many years.

2. Keep essential oils out of the reach of children. Treat them as you would any other therapeutic product.

3. Do not use essential oils rich in menthol (such as peppermint) on the throat or neck area of children under 30 months of age.

4. Direct sunlight and essential oils. Lemon, bergamot, orange, grapefruit, tangerine, white angelica and other citrus oils may cause a rash or darker pigmentation if applied to the skin and exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet rays with 3 to 4 days of use.

5. Keep essential oils away from eye area and do not put into the ear. Do not handle contact lenses or rub the eyes with essential oils on your fingers. Oils with high phenol content - oregano, helichrysum, cinnamon, thyme, clove. Lemongrass, bergamot, - may damage contacts and irritate the eye.

6. Those who are pregnant should consult their health care professional before using essential oils containing constituents with hormone-like activity, such as clary sage, sage, Idaho tansy, juniper and fennel.

7. People who suffer from epilepsy and those with high blood pressure should consult their health care professional before using essential oils. Avoid hyssop, fennel and Idaho tansy oils.

8. Those with allergies should test a small amount of any oil on a small area of sensitive skin, such as the inside of the arm, before applying to other areas of the body. The bottoms of your feet are one of the safest, most effective places to use essential oils.

9. Do not add undiluted essential oils directly to bath water. Use a bath gel base as a dispersing agent for oils in your bath.

By: Dolores Gozzi - Fort Myers, USA
Blending Pure Therapeutic Essential Oils

When blending oils always remember to perform a patch test. Use carrier oils like jojoba, grapeseed or almond, and be sure to ask your client if they are allergic to nuts when using almond oils.

Play with the blends and prepare them with your client's best interests. They may have allergies or have negative reactions to some mixtures. Use carrier oil to dilute the mixture until the client is comfortable with that particular blend.

Always bear in mind that pure therepeutic oils are much stronger than synthetic oils.

Some oils will solidify when stored at low temperatures. Once they reach body temperature, they will return to a liquid state. If you store oils in a refrigerator, give the oil plenty of time (several hours) to return to a liquid form. Place your oils in an area where pets and children cannot reach them. Since essential oils are very concentrated, it could make a child or pet sick if much of it is ingested. The orifice reducer is also a good child proof safety device. It might be a good idea to purchase a storage box so that the oils are all in one place and away from extreme temperature changes. When you decide you are ready to use your essential oil, it is important that you do not contaminate it. Don’t touch the top of the bottle or the inside of the lid. Try not to get the essential oils on your skin, since they can cause irritation. When you do apply it to the skin, dilute it first with a good quality carrier oil such as jojoba, almond or olive oil.

By: Dolores Gozzi - Fort Myers, USA
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