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ELECAMPANE a powerful antibacterial and fungicidal agent

The Latin name for Elecampane is Inula helenium; Inula comes from the phrase meaning ‘from the fields’ and helenium alludes to the legend of ‘Helen of Troy’ who is said to have been gathering the herb when she was abducted from Sparta.

In medieval times the ancient Greeks and Romans used elecampane as a general tonic to heal skin diseases, such as scabies and herbs, to expel worms and to treat dropsy, sciatica and leprosy. This herb has been used as a remedy for whooping cough and asthma, it also can help with colic and liver problems. For many years it has been used to help improve digestion, it has also been very helpful to heal skin infections in horses and sheep.

Elecampane root has at first a somewhat glutinous taste, but by chewing, it becomes subsequently aromatic, it is slightly bitter and pungent and has an agreeably aromatic somewhat camphoraceous orris-like odour. Elecampane is a large herbaceous perennial, indigenous to south-eastern Europe and western Asia but naturalised in Britain, Ireland and the north mid-west US. It has a thick, cylindrical, branched rhizome and an erect, sparsely branched, tough, furrowed stem, hairy in the lower part and downy above. The oval basal leaves narrow into a winged petiole, pointed at the tip and blunt-toothed at the edges.

Elecampane (Radix Inulae), consists of both rhizome or rootstock and roots. It is official in most pharmacopoeias, it has antiseptic properties – it aids the skin in eliminating toxins and promotes perspiration – Today the modern Herbalist mainly prescribes elecampane for treating coughs, colds and flu symptoms, bronchitis, cuts and grazes, the root contains inulin which has been used in place of sugar for people who suffer with diabetes.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States
Lying in bed unable to sleep is agonising. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an inability to sleep or to remain asleep for a reasonable period of time. A lack of sleep can adversely affect our physical and emotional health, it can leave us feeling tired and very irritable, our concentration can be reduced which can make us more prone to accidents and also the making of rash decisions; it can undermine our immune systems so that we are more susceptible to infection.
Insomnia can be caused by fear, stress, anxiety, medications, herbs, caffeine, depression, emotional or mental tension, work problems, financial stress, life-style factors such as too much light or noise, an uncomfortable bed, an unsatisfactory sex life and sometimes it just occurs for no apparent reason.
Are there natural therapies or remedies that may be helpful? Holistic practitioners place a firm emphasis on diet and lifestyle, but there are a number of therapies and remedies that may also be helpful in gently helping the body to regain its natural biorhythms. Therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture, nutritional therapy and dream therapy are among some that are certainly worth investigation. Relaxation techniques and massage, Feng Shui, diet changes and magnets have also had good success in helping those with insomnia.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States
Most of us from time to time do our share of slumping forwards, but rarely do we arch our spines the other way. In Yoga there are two exercises that are used to help release stiffness in the vertebrae down the front of the spinal column.
Care must be taken when doing these exercises, always work at a level that suits you and never force or overstretch your body, build up slowly until you become more flexible.

The Locust exercise stretches the lower back and buttocks; it improves the blood flow to the kidneys and adrenal glands the flexibility of the spine also increases. The Bow exercise expands the chest and increases suppleness in the shoulders it is also very helpful in stretching the front of the thighs and waist. Both of these exercises are done of the floor without any props and can be easily worked on a day-to-day basis.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States
Crystals are revered for their healing properties, which are believed by some to be based on energy or vibrations that they emit. The theory is that if you hold or wear a crystal, its natural energy field influences the energies of your body.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States
Dealing with Depression
Research states that one in twenty of us is affected by depression and one in three of us will experience an attack at some time in our lives. There are positive, natural ways of dealing with depression, provided you recognise the signs and react as quickly as possible. Therapies such as Reiki, Naturopathy, Bach Flower and St John's Wort can be very helpful.

By: Lesley-Ann Sales - Utah, United States
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