
Total Slim - Powerful natural weight loss aid with a proven natural fat burner

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Total Slim - 72 Veggie Capsules

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you want to lose weight fast but in a safe healthy way? Are you losing weight but are tired and lack energy? If so, Total Slim is for you.

Total Slim is an all-in-one slimming aid formulated in line with the world’s latest research in weight loss management. This premium weight loss aid includes powerful and natural thermogenic fat-burning ingredients including the potent and clinically proven fat-burner Sinetrol.

For full details on the clinical trials that confirmed Sinetrol as a natural fat burner please visit www.sinetrol.com .

What is in Total Slim & how will it help me ?

Total Slim is power-packed with Thermogenic fat-burning natural ingredients. Thermogenic ingredients help the body burn fat and increase metabolism, which results in safe and healthy weight loss.

Sinetrol, the new potent, natural and clinically proven fat burner is included. It has been shown in studies to be a powerful compound when used for weight loss purposes. Unlike many other weight loss programmes Total Slim also includes natural appetite suppressants to reduce food binges or that hunger feeling, vitamins, minerals, herbal energy boosters to help assist with flagging energy levels common with dieting and digestive enzymes to aid food digestion so key nutrient ingredients are absorbed with maximum effect.

Formulated for Silvertown Health by a top UK supplement formulator, you will not find a more comprehensive and concentrated slimming product on the market for men and women.

Total Slim may help to maintain the following for you

* Boost your body’s fat-burning actions with natural thermogenic herbal ingredients including sinetrol a clinically proven fat-burner.

* Increase metabolism to assist with weight loss.

* Help keep appetite and binges under control.

* Boost energy levels and mental awareness with well known herbal energy boosters like Ginseng.

* Contains added digestive enzymes to help support food digestion for maximum absorption of nutrients.

* 100% natural.

* No known side effects as shown in toxicity study.

Start your weight loss programme today.

Price £19.97 (72 Capsules)

More Information & Active Ingredients per capsule

Sinetrol - 133gm per capsule

A 100% natural extract of red, orange & grapefruit citrus which has been patented into a clinically proven fat-burner. It is clinically proven to burn fat and may also increase physical performance. For more details on Sinetrol trials for weight loss click here www.sinetrol.com ..

Citrus Aurantium 83mg per capsule

An orange fruit that is said to assist with the increase in the body’s metabolic rate and its ability to burn calories thus stimulating fat loss.

Acai Berry – 50mg per capsule

An in demand high antioxidant superfood now popular for cleansing and used as a weight loss aid as its full of fibre which keeps you fuller plus its also said to help regulate metabolic rate. Acai is also packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and omega fats. 

Caffeine Anhydrous 33.3mg capsule

Is extracted from coffee & tea and is said to increase the body’s metabolism hence increasing fat-burning activities. It also may help maintain energy levels and improve mental alertness.

Cayenne Powder 25mg per capsule

Extracted from the chilli pepper, some research suggests that it may increase the body's ability to burn fat as cayenne increases the body’s heat production. It is also said to be an appetite suppressant.

Green Tea Extract 16.6gm capsules

Green Tea appears to activate fat-burning activity . Studies in Switzerland showed that green tea has high levels of catechincatechin polyphenols which are documented as having calorie-burning activities.

Vitamin B6 - 12.5gm per capsule

Found in many foods like milk, meat and nuts, Vitamin B6 is required in many metabolic pathways in the body and can increase metabolism. It is also seen as an aid to releasing more energy from your food.

Siberian Ginseng – 10mg per capsule

A woody shrub with a big following. Siberian Ginseng has many alleged health benefits, two being energy-boosting which is important when losing weight and improving mental attention.

Apple Cider Vinegar Powder -6mg per capsule

Quoted as a digestive aid to assist with the absorption of food and supplements Apple Cider is from a type of vinegar made from cider. It is also packed with 19 different minerals which are good for health.

Potassium 75mcg

This crucial mineral found in various foods must be in sufficient volume in our bodies at all times. When we exercise we excrete potassium in our sweat, so active people who are losing weight need to make sure they replace the potassium in their body.

Chromium Polynicotinate 50mcg per capsule

This important mineral regulates blood sugar levels and assists the metabolism of glucose for energy.

Instructions for use

First time users - Take only half the dosage noted below for the first 14 days.

2 Capsules - 3 times a day with water. Take 30-60 minutes before food or exercise.

Take for 6 days then no capsules day 7. Take continuously as above until reaching your ideal weight or for a maximum of three months. Stop taking after three months and take a three-week break before recommencing if required.

Can be taken with Total Appetite Suppressant for people who struggle to control their appetite.

Suitable for Vegetarians - Not suitable for anybody who cannot tolerate caffeine or herbal stimuli.

Total Slim works best when used as part of a healthy eating plan to lose weight.  

Available from
01772 466182

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