
Health Categories & Therapies

What is Dating?

Dating is a tool that people use when trying to find a romantic partner. Dating enables a person to view a person in many different situations and helps a person determine if their date is someone who would be compatible. Dating can be casual where a person casually dates several people for fun or it can be a serious one on one situation. Dating can be a group activity or a couple activity. Dating can serious between two people who are in love and working towards a more permeate commitment with each other such as marriage.

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Articles Associated with Dating

4 Solutions for a Healthy and Beautiful Smile
Our smiles are our most important facial features, helping us communicate and make friends. A bad smile can make us feel bad about ourselves and affect our self-esteem, so it’s important to practice good habits to keep our teeth looking healthy and bright.   Reduce Coffee, Tea, and Wine As you
Hands-On Animals
The entire family needs bodywork, don't you think? This includes horses, dogs and cats for a lot of families. People are recognizing that what is good for them is good for their favorite animals.Acupressure for animals has actually been around for 1000s of years. In ancient Chinese communities
Navigating Your First Digital Doctor?s Appointment Like a Pro
In today's fast-paced world, technology has made many aspects of our lives much more convenient – including healthcare. With the rise of telemedicine, more and more people are turning to digital doctor's appointments as a way to save time and hassle. But if you're not familiar with how
Learning to Love
I recently asked a 46 year old man what importance his marriage has in his life, expressed as a percentage. His instant response was 80%, on the grounds that his marriage impacts and is impacted by his work and almost every other aspect of life. I then asked
Exercise & Self Image: How to Feel Better in More Ways than One
A RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIPThere seems to be an almost magical relationship between exercise and a healthy (or at least improved) self-image. Research shows that one of the best predictors (not the only one, but one of the best) of whether someone will achieve their fitness goals is a key
Achieve Instant Calm
   copyright Susun S. Weed   In her updated best-selling classic, New Menopausal Years The Wise Woman Way, Susun Weed offers a number of approaches women can use to calm jangly nerves, achieve greater overall calm, and cope on-the-spot with stressful situations.  For instant calm, Weed suggests one or more of the
After Abuse: The Challenging Work of Forging Healthy Relationships
Many people have done the tough work of recovery from sexual abuse, whether with help in therapy or on one’s own. It challenges us to the core, but it also frees us, and gives life and possibility where we once felt that we might never get through it.
How Corrective Lenses can Help Keep your Eyes Healthy
While those that were born needing corrective lenses are able to accept them as a part of their daily lives early on, some find adopting them quickly enough later in life to be rather difficult. While there are sometimes social or financial factors that contribute to this delay,
Divorce it entails loss, even if you wanted it. Aside from the ending of the relationship with your spouse, you may be losing your home, time with your children, in-laws, extended family, and even friends.  There are inevitable financial losses, loneliness, a change of lifestyle, imagined losses of
Eyes like stars: Perfect vision is just a click away
There certainly isn't the stigma attached to wearing glasses there once was; these days, a pair of glasses can be an essential part of an accessories wardrobe, for both men and women. Just as there are frames to suit every type of face shape, there are also designs
The Benefits of Counseling
Stress from work.  Stress from home.  Concerns over finances.  All these and more can lead a person to feel like there's no way out.  Seeking counseling for any situation can make that situation seem not so bleak, and give hope that there's a light at the end of
Is There A Right Or Wrong Way To Move?
The short answer is no. Less simplistically, and more importantly is to answer with the question: Does it serve your intention?Life can be lived on automatic pilot, where we can lose track of our deepest desires, dreams and intentions. When we lose sight of our intentions, when we
The Truth about Domestic Violence and Abusive Relationships
Over three million incidents of domestic violence are reported each year, and that includes men as well as women. One-fourth of U.S. women and one-third of women worldwide will experience violence in her lifetime. What isn’t talked about, but is serious, is emotional abuse that ranges from withholding to
5 Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Most people experience stress and anxiety on a daily basis. In fact, recent research indicated that about 70% of adults in the USA suffer from anxiety and depression.   Sometimes you may feel sad, hopeless, or you no longer get to enjoy the activities that used to be much fun
  There’s a lot of confusion about intimacy, what it really is, and how to make it happen. There’re couples married decades who can be physically close, but don’t know how to be emotionally intimate. The word intimate refers to your private and essential being. Usually people think it
New Prescriptions- Six Drugs to be More Wary of
New prescription drugs are full of possibilities for relief and remission of many illnesses. Television ads abound featuring youthful patients peddling bikes, dipping into pools, and eating all the hot sauce they desire. Most of us would conclude that most new drugs are safe, right? But it isn’t
Learning To Understand And Live With ADHD
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) show the following symptoms: 1)~They have a low level of concentration and a very poor attention span.2)~Their memorizing powers are low and they have poor concentration. 3)~The are very impulsive and do things without thinking. 4) ~Their frequent temper tantrums and
Aloe Vera - Natures Healer
"Four vegetables are indispensable for the well being of man:Wheat, the grape, the olive and aloe.The first nourishes him, the second raises his spirit,The third brings him harmony, and the fourth cures him". Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) "You ask me what were the secret forces which sustained me during
Group Therapy for Adults Abused As Children
Group therapy can be the most nurturing and also the most challenging form of therapy.  It is highly effective.  While it doesn’t replace individual therapy, it can be a great adjunct and a final step in the healing process.  Group therapy is very relevant for survivors of childhood abuse