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Articles Associated with Viruses

Vialzym 360 ct. capsules economy size
Professional grade systemic enzyme supplement that reduces inflammation fibrosis and scar tissue; immune system modulation. 100% vegetarian. Comes with a cd or cassette from Dr. William Wong who answers your questions about Vitalzym. Try it like so many others have and feel the difference. Vitalzym Enzymes are needed
Hopes for a universal flu vaccine
There are multiple types of the flu virus; H1, H2, H3, H6, H9, H7, H5N1, H1N1. Each of these is a little different. Instead of having a different vaccine for each virus the hope is to have a universal vaccine that will help build up immunity to
Tamiflu provides all round prevention from the influenza virus
About TamifluTamiflu is approved for the treatment of the Influenza virus and also aids from futher spread with in the body, treating flu at its source. Its mechanism of action includes attacking the virus that causes the flu instead of simply masking the symptoms of the flu in
Heart Diseases- Causes, Symptoms,Types, Prevention & Treatment of Heart Diseases
Beside cancer, heart disease kills more than 2,000 Americans everyday. Approximately 60 million Americans have heart disease.I. Causes of Heart DiseasesThere are many causes of heart diseases. Most of heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure contributes to hardening of the arteries. High levels of bad cholesterol
Foot Detox - For a relaxed body and mind
Modern day detox Today, electrolysis is the process by which detoxification is achieved. In this process, ions help in cleansing the body by reacting with the electrolyte and eliminating the toxins and wastes. Detox spa is the machine used for detoxification that resembles a look of a small tub
Why Thermal Cameras Are Essential Equipment for Medical Clinics
Technology plays an important role in healthcare. Thermal imaging solutions one tech tool that hospitals and clinics are implementing in droves. With thermal cameras, medical professionals are able to improve their level of care for their clients while safeguarding their businesses as well. Read on to learn more
Here Comes the Flu Season
Along with the beauty of fall days comes the need to get ready for winter. Time to get out my long underwear and my warm wooly socks. Time to nourish my immune system so cold days won't be days of colds - and flu. I don't rely on
What Causes Cold Sores?
What causes cold sores?  An excellent question with a not-so-simple answer. You see - what causes cold sores for one person may not be what causes cold sores for another.  But, hopefully, by the time you're done reading this article you should know exactly what causes cold sores
Respiratory Problems, How Do You Think Better Quality of Life
In today's World, respiratory problems are linked directly to bad weather, pollution and other related services of a society in general. After all, who did not own a respiratory problem?Care must be redoubled to maintain and absorb a better quality of life. But it is not an easy
The Protection Of Lesbian And Bisexual Women's Sexual Health
Sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from one woman to another if both partners are female. Learn how to safeguard your safety. When women exchange body fluids with one another, they run the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia. You might be putting
Cold And Flu Prevention
As the winter holidays get closer, infections are on the rise. This time of year, we tend to see more friends and family members falling ill with cases of the sniffles, coughs, and flu. As we get ready for parties and gift-giving, though, the last thing anyone wants
Facts About Cold Sores
Cold sores are unsightly, contagious and very painful sores, normally occurring on the edge of the lip or nose. Cold sores are created by the replication process of the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. Current studies show that about 77% of cold sores are caused
Natural Treatment for Pleurisy
HTML clipboardPleurisy is a terribly painful condition due to an inflammation of the pleura, which is the pleural cavity that surrounds the lungs. There can be a number of causes for pleurisy. Some of them infectious, some of them not. Anything that irritates the pleura can lead to
Cold and Flu Prevention - How to Prevent Cold and Flu With Homeopathy
As we mentioned in the previous Articles, cold and Flu are the most commonly occurring illnesses in the entire world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone. The common cold is a self-limiting illness caused by any 1 of more than
Bee Healthy a natural alternative
In my previous article Bee healthy use natures gifts to heal we looked at the general properties of both propolis and honey and how this gift from nature could make a positive contribution to modern healing.In this article I would like to look at the many common uses
Bird Flu: Should I Be Worried?
In recent weeks, the alarm over Avian Flu, also know as Bird Flu has increased dramatically. It is important to understand the facts about this disease in order to interpret the news accurately and to avoid panic and irrational behavior.Influenza, also known as "the flu" is a general
Cold Sore Stages - What To Expect From Cold Sores
The most desirable of all cold sore stages, if there is such a thing, is the latent stage. The herpes virus is asleep and hiding in the nerve ganglia. There are no symptoms and no problems. Nearly a third of all who are infected with these herpes simplex
Sick Kids? How to Help Keep Them Healthy During the Cold and Flu Season
Children tend to spend most of their time in environments where germs and viruses can thrive. Fortunately, there are steps parents can take to keep their kids relatively healthy throughout the cold and flu season. Let's look at what these steps are as well as what to do
What Is Allergy and How Many Types of Allergic Disease?
Allergies are inappropriate or exaggerated reactions of the immune system to substances that, in the majority of people, cause no symptoms. Symptoms of allergic diseases may be caused by exposure of the skin to a chemical, of the respiratory system to particles of dust or pollen (or other