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Birth Control

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Articles Associated with Birth Control

Acne You may be surprised when you get older and start experiencing a resurgence of the frustrating acne scourge you experienced as a teenager. And while teenage acne was no day at the beach, adult acne can be even more embarrassing because it seems like fewer people are affected
Transient Ischemic Attack Facts
People are largely getting affected with cardiovascular problems due to hectic lifestyle, faulty habits of eating and drinking, disturbed sleep, unhealthy living, excessive stress, and continuous neglection towards health can cause trouble with cardiovascular system of the body. With the improvement in science and technology, we have discovered
The Truth About Hair Loss
It is normal to shed hair every day and the truth is we loose between 100-125 hairs on any given day. Hair that is shed falls out at the end of growth cycle. At any given time 10% of our hair is in what is called a "resting
Menstruation Disorders - Amenorrhea - Causes and Symptoms of Secondary Amenorrhea
Amenorrhea is defined as a delay of menstruation. There are 2 types of amenorrhea:a) Primary amenorrhea is defined as no period by age 16 andb)Secondary amenorrhea is defined as period beginning at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles or 6 months. Women who
The Protection Of Lesbian And Bisexual Women's Sexual Health
Sexually transmitted diseases can be passed from one woman to another if both partners are female. Learn how to safeguard your safety. When women exchange body fluids with one another, they run the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including herpes, genital warts, and chlamydia. You might be putting
How the FDA, Big Pharma, and Doctors Cause Injury for Profit
In some ways the health care in America is the finest in the world.  In other ways it is a severe risk to health, even deadly.  The dark side of this issue involves medication profits at the expense of human health.  This questionable health care approach costs at
What Exhibits Lymphatic Transplantation to Cause Endometriosis?
As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis. Endometriosis also
Fertility and Infertility
Fertility is the ability to procreate or get pregnant with ease. Some people would be considered very fertile and others not so much in some cases even infertile. There is not one aspect that determines a couple's fertility level; rather there are numerous factors that need to be
Migraine basics – Learn about the causes and treatment
Migraines are a severe type of headache characterised by an intense pulsating or throbbing pain in one area of the head. Migraines are differentiated from other headaches as they are typically accompanied by sensitivity to light and sound. Sometimes migraine sufferers may also report nausea and vomiting along
Symptoms and Risks of the Oral Contraceptive Pills
As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis. Endometriosis also
Acne Treatment, Finally Some Facts
Acne is, perhaps, the single treated skin disorder and has been addressed in a wide variety of ways. Often the wisest step is to develop a program in consultation with a dermatologist or medical practitioner. Even with help, there may be a trial-and-error process in finding the right
4 Helpful Ideas for a Healthy and Fulfilling Sex Life
Sex is something that many people are uncomfortable discussing, but it’s a vital part of life that should never be ignored. Healthy, safe sex has many benefits, such as a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure and improved sleep quality. If things have been falling behind in the
10 Reasons You May Not Be Losing Weight
Losing weight can be one of the most daunting tasks beauty-wise or health-wise, not only when you really do have a big appetite for just about any kind of great tasting food, regardless of its nutritional value. It can also be one of the most frustrating, most especially when
Precaution to take before using Reductil sibutramine
Reductil sibutramine is a prescription only weight loss pill that works as appetite suppressant and helps obese people to gradually lose weight. Reductil also helps people from regaining the weight they have lost. Reductil sibutramine was approved by the FDA in 1997 for the treatment of obesity. Since
Are Contraceptive Pills Safe and Reliable?
Women around the world who are sexually active usually prefer using contraception in order to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Condoms, by far, have been the most commonly used contraceptive method amongst couples. However, contraceptive accidents such as condom slip or tear, leave you vulnerable and at risk of having
Prevent Acne
Millions of Americans are plagued with the skin disorder acne, and all are interested in finding ways to prevent acne from affecting their skin and ways to treat current pimples, lesions, and scarring. Acne is a skin disorder that results from increased hormone levels in the body that
Overcome Infertility - Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) In Conventional Medicine Perspective
Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID) is defined as condition caused by inflammation or infection of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries as a result of scars and adhesion in the pelvic which in turn may prevent the implantation of egg during natural pregnancy process. It affects over 1
What Exhibits Iatrogenic Origin to Cause Endometriosis?
As we mentioned in previous articles during the last stage of the menstrual cycle normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis. Endometriosis also
Amenorrhea, Absence of Period Cycle
Amenorrhea - is characterized by the absence of menstrual period - it may be physiological in pregnancy, lactation or menopause and pathological primary when menstruation occurred after age 18 years or secondary pathological when it appears after the normal menstrual cycle and lasts longer than 2 to 3