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What is Iridology?

Iridology is an alternative medicine practice in which patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones that they believe correspond to specific parts of the human body. They believe the eye acts as a "window" into the body's state of health.
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Articles Associated with Iridology

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Colonic Irrigation But were Too Afraid to Ask
Why Cleanse the Bowel ? Let's start with some facts. The Health of the Digestive System and colon (large intestine) has reached an all time low. Incidence of diseases such as Crohn's Disease, Diverticulitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis, Constipation and Haemorrhoids are spiralling out of control. In 1996 the
What is Iridology?
Iridology is the study of the iris of the eye in order to diagnose the presence of any disease. Iridology is based on the assumption that every organ in the human body has a corresponding location within the iris and that one can determine whether an organ is
Iridology for Children
You can tell what's going on inside your body by looking in your eyes.The iris (the blue or brown part of the eye), when studied by a trained practitioner, shows which of the bodies organs are stressed, hyper or hypoactive or weakened by trauma. Observing as it does
Colorectal Care
"In fifty years of sanitarium practice, I have had the opportunity to work with over 350,000 patients. Of all these people, not one of them was free from some form of bowel mismanagement.""Death begins in the colon."Dr. Bernard Jensen, Chiropractor, researcher and father of American iridology (1908-2001) "Over
What is Colourpuncture?
Colourpuncture is a form of energy medicine that addresses the root cause of illness and disease. In Colourpuncture, selected colours are beamed onto the meridians (energy channels) used in Acupuncture and Reflex Zones of the body. Light provide the cells with the information they need to heal, rather
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathy is a 19th century word meaning 'nature cure', and a naturopath is one who applies natural therapies in professional medical practice. The tradition of Naturopathic medicine was originally European, with many influential figures as far back as Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, Hahnemann to name a few. The Naturopath
You can heal your Life
DO YOU KNOW.... ‘What IS' is ONLY ever in that very moment, unless you prolong it! Do you know that every single feeling you have is first created by a thought you think? Every state of mind you have, whether happy, sad, depressed, angry or content begins on a thought level Thought
The Changing Image of a Therapist's Practice
My original marketing plan was to network with other therapists, share marketing costs, use referral opportunities, and generally support each other. The Network I started would promote one or two main therapies for each individual practitioner, so that we are not all competing for the same clients. Having already
CNM Case Study - Catherine Nash
A New Start Catherine Nash had all the trappings of success – a great job as an IT consultant, a big salary and a classy company car – but she'd never been so unhappy in her life. "I was working very long hours, travelling around the country, grabbing snacks
Changing Lanes
A new start Catherine Nash had all the trappings of success – a great job as an IT consultant, a big salary and a classy company car – but she'd never been so unhappy in her life. "I was working very long hours, travelling around the country, grabbing
Question:I am 38 and would love to have a baby, but, although all the tests have proved OK for both myself and my husband, we're not having any luck. I started IVF this year and found the side effects of the drugs terrible. I have had two sessions
Natural Remedies and Cures for osteoarthritis
Question:My mother is almost 70 years old and very active, fit and well. The only thing that spoils her retirement is that her joints are agonizingly painful when she wakes up, leaving her bent double for a long time. She finds setting the alarm to take ibuprofen an
Iridology is an alternative medicine practice in which patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris are examined for information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts which divide the iris into zones that they believe correspond to specific parts of the human